我想知道是否有一种方法可以在没有太多开销的 scala 中的另一个线程上执行非常简单的任务?
基本上我想制作一个可以处理执行任意数量的任务的全局“执行器”。然后我可以使用 executor 来构建额外的结构。
我知道 scala 演员库是建立在 Doug Lea FJ 的东西之上的,而且他们在有限的程度上支持我想要完成的事情。但是,据我了解,我将不得不预先分配一个“演员池”来完成。
import concurrent.SyncVar
object SimpleExecutor {
import actors.Actor._
def exec[A](task: => A) : SyncVar[A] = {
//what goes here?
//This is what I currently have
val x = new concurrent.SyncVar[A]
//The overhead of making the actor appears to be a killer
actor {
//Not really sure what to stick here
def execBlocker[A](task: => A) : SyncVar[A] = exec(task)
现在是使用 exec 的示例:
object Examples {
//Benchmarks a task
def benchmark(blk : => Unit) = {
val start = System.nanoTime
System.nanoTime - start
//Benchmarks and compares 2 tasks
def cmp(a: => Any, b: => Any) = {
val at = benchmark(a)
val bt = benchmark(b)
println(at + " " + bt + " " +at.toDouble / bt)
//Simple example for simple non blocking comparison
import SimpleExecutor._
def paraAdd(hi: Int) = (0 until hi) map (i=>exec(i+5)) foreach (_.get)
def singAdd(hi: Int) = (0 until hi) foreach (i=>i+5)
//Simple example for the blocking performance
import Thread.sleep
def paraSle(hi : Int) = (0 until hi) map (i=>exec(sleep(i))) foreach (_.get)
def singSle(hi : Int) = (0 until hi) foreach (i=>sleep(i))
最后运行示例(可能需要执行几次,以便 HotSpot 可以预热):
import Examples._
cmp(paraAdd(10000), singAdd(10000))
cmp(paraSle(100), singSle(100))