repeat with this_indd_jpeg in indd_jpeg_list
set original_name to name of this_indd_jpeg
set the_small_path to export_path & original_name as string
set the_large_path to (Large_Folder as string) & original_name as string
tell application "Image Events"
set this_image to open (this_indd_jpeg as alias)
scale this_image to size target_length_large
save this_image as JPEG in file the_large_path with icon
scale this_image to size target_length_small
save this_image as JPEG in file the_small_path with icon
close this_image
end tell
end repeat
问题在于,在一台 Mac(10.7.5)上,它将 JPEG 保存为 RGB(所需的行为),而在另一台(10.6.8)上,它将它们保存为 CMYK,这绝对是不受欢迎的。
是否有人知道 10.6 和 10.7 中的图像事件版本之间的任何变通方法或差异?我不确定:这只是在黑暗中刺伤。