我正在为 Microsoft Office 套件构建一个私人拼写检查器。我正在对拼写错误及其潜在修复进行字符串比较,以确定我想要包含哪些更正。

我已经为字符串比较的加权Damerau-Levenshtein 公式寻找高低,因为我希望交换、插入、删除和替换都具有不同的权重,而不仅仅是“1”的权重,所以我可以优先考虑一些更正超过其他人。例如,错字“agmes”理论上可以更正为“games”“ages”,因为两者都只需要一次编辑即可移动到正确拼写的单词,但我想给“swap”编辑一个较低的权重,所以“游戏”将显示为首选更正。

我使用 Excel 进行分析,所以我使用的任何代码都需要在 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 中。我能找到的最好的是this example,它看起来很棒,但它是用Java编写的。我尽力转换,但我远非专家,需要一点帮助!



编辑:我让它自己工作。这是 VBA 中的加权 Damerau-Levenshtein 公式。它使用 Excel 的内置数学函数进行一些评估。在将错字与两个可能的更正进行比较时,成本最高的更正是首选词。这是因为两次交换的成本必须大于删除和插入的成本,如果您分配具有最低成本的交换(我认为这是理想的),这是不可能的。如果您需要更多信息,请查看 Kevin 的博客。

Public Function WeightedDL(source As String, target As String) As Double

    Dim deleteCost As Double
    Dim insertCost As Double
    Dim replaceCost As Double
    Dim swapCost As Double

    deleteCost = 1
    insertCost = 1.1
    replaceCost = 1.1
    swapCost = 1.2

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim k As Integer

    If Len(source) = 0 Then
        WeightedDL = Len(target) * insertCost
        Exit Function
    End If

    If Len(target) = 0 Then
        WeightedDL = Len(source) * deleteCost
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim table() As Double
    ReDim table(Len(source), Len(target))

    Dim sourceIndexByCharacter() As Variant
    ReDim sourceIndexByCharacter(0 To 1, 0 To Len(source) - 1) As Variant

    If Left(source, 1) <> Left(target, 1) Then
        table(0, 0) = Application.Min(replaceCost, (deleteCost + insertCost))
    End If

    sourceIndexByCharacter(0, 0) = Left(source, 1)
    sourceIndexByCharacter(1, 0) = 0

    Dim deleteDistance As Double
    Dim insertDistance As Double
    Dim matchDistance As Double

    For i = 1 To Len(source) - 1

        deleteDistance = table(i - 1, 0) + deleteCost
        insertDistance = ((i + 1) * deleteCost) + insertCost

        If Mid(source, i + 1, 1) = Left(target, 1) Then
            matchDistance = (i * deleteCost) + 0
            matchDistance = (i * deleteCost) + replaceCost
        End If

        table(i, 0) = Application.Min(Application.Min(deleteDistance, insertDistance), matchDistance)

    For j = 1 To Len(target) - 1

        deleteDistance = table(0, j - 1) + insertCost
        insertDistance = ((j + 1) * insertCost) + deleteCost

        If Left(source, 1) = Mid(target, j + 1, 1) Then
            matchDistance = (j * insertCost) + 0
            matchDistance = (j * insertCost) + replaceCost
        End If

        table(0, j) = Application.Min(Application.Min(deleteDistance, insertDistance), matchDistance)

    For i = 1 To Len(source) - 1

        Dim maxSourceLetterMatchIndex As Integer

        If Mid(source, i + 1, 1) = Left(target, 1) Then
            maxSourceLetterMatchIndex = 0
            maxSourceLetterMatchIndex = -1
        End If

        For j = 1 To Len(target) - 1

            Dim candidateSwapIndex As Integer
            candidateSwapIndex = -1

            For k = 0 To UBound(sourceIndexByCharacter, 2)
                If sourceIndexByCharacter(0, k) = Mid(target, j + 1, 1) Then candidateSwapIndex = sourceIndexByCharacter(1, k)

            Dim jSwap As Integer
            jSwap = maxSourceLetterMatchIndex

            deleteDistance = table(i - 1, j) + deleteCost
            insertDistance = table(i, j - 1) + insertCost
            matchDistance = table(i - 1, j - 1)

            If Mid(source, i + 1, 1) <> Mid(target, j + 1, 1) Then
                matchDistance = matchDistance + replaceCost
                maxSourceLetterMatchIndex = j
            End If

            Dim swapDistance As Double

            If candidateSwapIndex <> -1 And jSwap <> -1 Then

                Dim iSwap As Integer
                iSwap = candidateSwapIndex

                Dim preSwapCost
                If iSwap = 0 And jSwap = 0 Then
                    preSwapCost = 0
                    preSwapCost = table(Application.Max(0, iSwap - 1), Application.Max(0, jSwap - 1))
                End If

                swapDistance = preSwapCost + ((i - iSwap - 1) * deleteCost) + ((j - jSwap - 1) * insertCost) + swapCost

                swapDistance = 500
            End If

            table(i, j) = Application.Min(Application.Min(Application.Min(deleteDistance, insertDistance), matchDistance), swapDistance)


        sourceIndexByCharacter(0, i) = Mid(source, i + 1, 1)
        sourceIndexByCharacter(1, i) = i


    WeightedDL = table(Len(source) - 1, Len(target) - 1)

End Function

2 回答 2


我可以看到您自己已经回答了这个问题:几年前,我为地址匹配编写了一个修改后的 Levenshtein 编辑距离算法(该站点现在托管在俄罗斯,去那里是个坏主意),但这根本没有执行好吧,“通用字符串的总和”方法足以完成手头的任务:

Excel 中使用 VBA 中简化的“编辑距离”代理的模糊匹配字符串



将 arrByte() 调暗为字节
将 byteChar 调暗为字节

arrByte = strSource

for i = LBound(arrByte) 到 UBound(arrByte) 步骤 2     byteChar = arrByte(i) ' 我将在 char 上使用整数运算进行一些比较操作 接下来我

VBA 中的字符串处理速度非常慢,即使您使用 Mid$() 而不是 Mid(),但数值运算非常好:字符串实际上是字节数组,编译器会按面值接受。

循环中 2 的“步骤”是跳过 unicode 字符串中的高位字节 - 您可能正在对普通 ASCII 文本运行字符串比较,您会看到(比如说)的字节数组“ABCd”是 (00, 65, 00, 66, 00, 67, 00, 100)。西欧国家的大多数拉丁字母 - 重音、变音符号、双元音和所有 - 将适合 255 以下,并且不会冒险进入该 wxample 中显示为零的高阶字节。

您将在希伯来语、希腊语、俄语和阿拉伯语的严格单语字符串比较中摆脱它,因为每个字母表中的高字节是恒定的:希腊语“αβγδ”是字节数组 (177,3,178,3,179,3,180,3)。但是,这是草率的编码,当您尝试跨语言进行字符串比较时,它会咬住(或字节)您。而且它永远不会在东方字母中飞翔。

于 2014-10-08T16:00:08.993 回答


deleteDistance = table(0, j - 1) + insertCost
insertDistance = ((j + 1) * insertCost) + deleteCost


deleteDistance = ((j + 1) * insertCost) + deleteCost
insertDistance = table(0, j - 1) + insertCost


If Left(source, 1) <> Left(target, 1) Then
    table(0, 0) = Application.Min(replaceCost, (deleteCost + insertCost))
End If


If Left(source, 1) <> Left(target, 1) Then
    table(0, 0) = Application.Min(replaceCost, Application.Min(deleteCost, insertCost))
End If
于 2015-03-30T10:57:55.917 回答