视图中的表达式我在 mvc 名称 Flight 中有模型:

 public class Flight
    public int id { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "name is required")]
    public string name { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "flight company is required")]
    [DisplayName("company Name")]
    public string flightCompany { get; set; }
    public DateTime date { get; set; }
    public int idAvaribleClass { get; set; }
     [DisplayName("Duration TO")]
    public string flightDuration { get; set; }
     [DisplayName("Ariport Name")]
    public string airportName { get; set; } 
    public int idRegisterFlght { get; set; }
    public List<FlightDuration> FlightDurations { get; set; }
    public List<AvalibleClass> AvalibleClasses { get; set; }
    public List<registerFlightProgram> registerFlightPrograms { get; set; }


我有在数据库中搜索用户在视图中输入的内容并通过查询 linq 返回两个表的操作方法。我想在视图中显示此表:

_Mydb _db = 新 _Mydb();

    public ActionResult Index()

        return View();

    public ActionResult Index(string searchTerm = null, string to = null)
        var q =
          (from c in _db.flights
           join p in _db.Durations on c.id equals p.FlightId
           where (p.to == to) && (p.fromStar == searchTerm) && (to != null)
           select new
               c = new Flight { id = c.id, name = c.name, flightCompany = c.flightCompany, date = c.date, idAvaribleClass = c.idAvaribleClass, flightDuration = c.flightDuration, airportName = c.airportName, idRegisterFlght = c.idRegisterFlght },
               p = new FlightDuration { id = p.id, fromStar = p.fromStar, to = p.to, takeOffTime = p.takeOffTime, expectedTime = p.expectedTime, priceDuration = p.priceDuration, FlightId =p.FlightId}

        return View(q);

 *code view , expression in "@foreach"*   

 @model IEnumerable<TourismPro.Models.Flight>
    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";

@using (Html.BeginForm()){
<form method="post">
    <input type="search" name="searchTerm" />
     <input type="search" name="to" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search By Name" />

    **@foreach (var item in Model)**

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