i have an iframe that supposed to show me the pages according to the links.

the iframe code is :

<iframe width=940px onload=reSize() src="src/HEB/registerHEB.html" id="ifrm" name="iframe_main" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

i want to do that when i click on link such as this one

<a href="html/guides.html" target="iframe_main">

it will open the page in the iframe, but when i click F5 (refresh) it won't load the original src of the iframe, but the last link ive clicked.

Thank you very much.


1 回答 1


在 iframe 之后使用此脚本,如下所示:

<iframe src="src/HEB/registerHEB.html" id="ifrm" ......></iframe>
document.getElementById("ifrm").src = 'src/HEB/registerHEB.html'; 
于 2013-01-07T09:21:28.977 回答