我正在尝试合并两个数据框,但遇到了问题。我在正确数据框中的列中只得到 NaN。


X = read_csv('fileA.txt',sep=',',header=0);
print "-----FILE DATA-----"
print X;
X = X.astype(object); # convert every column to string type? does it do it?
print "-----INTERNALS-----"

Y = file_to_dataframe('fileB.txt',',',0); 
print "-----FILE DATA-----"
print Y;
print "-----INTERNALS-----"

Z = merge(X,Y,how='left');
print Z;

Y = file_to_dataframe('tmp.chr20.thresh.frq.count','\t',0);
print Y.dtypes;

def file_to_dataframe(filename,sep,header): # list of dict's
    i = 0; k = 0;
    cols = list();
    colNames = list();
    for line in fileinput.input([filename]):
        line = line.rstrip('\n');
        lst = line.split(sep);
        if i == header: #  row number to use as the column names
            for colName in lst:
        elif i > header:
            j = 0;
            record = dict();
            for j in range(0,len(lst)): # iterate over all tokens in the current line
                if j >= len(colNames):
                    colNames.append('#Auto_Generated_Label_'+ str(k));
                    k += 1;
                record[colNames[j]] = lst[j];
            cols.append(record); # push the record onto stack
        i += 1;
    return DataFrame.from_records(cols);



   Chrom      Gene  Position

0     20    DZANK1  18446022

1     20      TGM6   2380332

2     20  C20orf96    271226


{'_data': BlockManager

Items: array([Chrom, Gene, Position], dtype=object)

Axis 1: array([0, 1, 2])

ObjectBlock: array([Chrom, Gene, Position], dtype=object), 3 x 3, dtype object,

 '_item_cache': {}}


  Chrom  Position Random

0    20  18446022    ABC

1    20   2380332    XYZ

2    20    271226    PQR


{'_data': BlockManager

Items: array([Chrom, Position, Random], dtype=object)

Axis 1: array([0, 1, 2])

ObjectBlock: array([Chrom, Position, Random], dtype=object), 3 x 3, dtype object,

 '_item_cache': {}}

  Chrom      Gene  Position Random

0    20  C20orf96    271226    NaN

1    20      TGM6   2380332    NaN

2    20    DZANK1  18446022    NaN



1 回答 1


为我工作(v0.10.0b1,虽然我有点自信——但尚未检查——这也适用于 0.9.1):

In [7]: x
   Chrom      Gene  Position
0     20    DZANK1  18446022
1     20      TGM6   2380332
2     20  C20orf96    271226

In [8]: y
   Chrom  Position Random
0     20  18446022    ABC
1     20   2380332    XYZ
2     20    271226    PQR

In [9]: pd.merge(x, y, how='left')
   Chrom      Gene  Position Random
0     20    DZANK1  18446022    ABC
1     20      TGM6   2380332    XYZ
2     20  C20orf96    271226    PQR

我很惊讶所有的列都是对象 dtype。您的数据一定存在某种解析问题——检查每一列中的值(不是它们的样子,而是它们实际上什么,字符串,整数,什么?)

于 2012-12-13T02:37:59.457 回答