下面是我一直在玩的东西,试图实现这个目标。例如,我将数组对象上的标题引用存储为索引 0。在索引 1 上,我存储了一个 ID 引用,只是为了检查排序数组的结果。
我从 flash 中得到的最后一个输出是以一种奇怪的方式排序的,这对我来说完全没有意义。请帮忙!我对实现同一目标的不同方法持开放态度。
//This is an example list of my objects, and their test titles.
var obj = Array("ants", 24);
var obj2 = Array("cants", 29);
var obj3 = Array("xants", 35);
var obj4 = Array("bants", 80);
//Hear I assign each object to an array
var test = Array(obj, obj2, obj3, obj4);
//I create 2 arrays. 1 to store the titles in, and 1 for the object itself.
var alpha_sort = Array();
var obj_index = Array();
for(var i in test){//loop through all properties
trace('----- Display unsorted list ------');
for(var i in alpha_sort){//loop through all properties
trace(i+' - '+alpha_sort[i]);
trace('----- Display sorted list ------');
for(var i in alpha_sort){//loop through all properties
trace(i+' - '+alpha_sort[i]+ ' - '+obj_index[i][1]);
----- Display unsorted list ------
3 - ants
2 - cants
1 - xants
0 - bants
----- Display sorted list ------
2 - bants - 29
1 - cants - 35
0 - xants - 80
3 - ants - 24