我正在使用moodle 2.2.4。
我有来自 1 区和 2 区的课程的学生。我要求为 2 区的学生分配课程顾问。顾问只能查看 2 区学生的数据。
I created a new role called advisor based on the student role.
I created a new group in the course called group1.
I created a new account called group2_advisor
I enrolled group2_advisor in the role of advisor into group1 in the course.
I moved the student into group1.
当我登录 group2_advisor 时,我只能看到 1 区的学生(这很棒),但是,当我点击论坛或测验活动时,我仍然看到 1 区的数据。
我最初的顾问角色是基于非编辑老师的角色,但即使在我完成了步骤 1-4 之后,这仍然显示了两个地区。当我将顾问角色建立在学生角色上时,我只能看到第 2 区的数据(这就是我所追求的)。