这个问题已经被问了很多时间,我已经尝试了很多来自 stack-overflow 的解决方案,包括下面提到的几个 question-1,question-2 但是当表格宽度是动态时它们似乎都不起作用等等是元素行。
我的表结构使用另一个 jquery 插件 jqueryTreeTable 插件。而且结构有点复杂。它看起来像这样,我需要在这里将它的标题固定在水平滚动上,并固定一列用于水平滚动,因为内容可能有水平滚动条。
这个问题已经被问了很多时间,我已经尝试了很多来自 stack-overflow 的解决方案,包括下面提到的几个 question-1,question-2 但是当表格宽度是动态时它们似乎都不起作用等等是元素行。
我的表结构使用另一个 jquery 插件 jqueryTreeTable 插件。而且结构有点复杂。它看起来像这样,我需要在这里将它的标题固定在水平滚动上,并固定一列用于水平滚动,因为内容可能有水平滚动条。
$("table.tableWith-FloatingHeader").each(function() {
$(this).wrap("<div class=\"divTableWithFloatingHeader\" style=\"position:relative\"></div>");
var originalHeaderRow = $("thead", this);
var clonedHeaderRow = $("thead", this);
clonedHeaderRow = $('.tableFloatingHeader');
clonedHeaderRow.css("position", "absolute");
clonedHeaderRow.css("top", "0px");
clonedHeaderRow.css("left", $(this).css("margin-left"));
// originally visibility hidden only was used but it didn't work for me so I had to use display:none
clonedHeaderRow.css("visibility", "hidden");
clonedHeaderRow.css("display", "none");
var tableBody = $('tbody', this);
tableBody.css('display', 'table');
// since my table's width could be changing on click to the td (expand/collapse of td leads to change in width so to fix the width for the head and body UpdateTableHeader function is called.
$("table.tableWith-FloatingHeader").undelegate("td", "click");
$("table.tableWith-FloatingHeader").delegate("td", "click", function() {
// functions **
// function to fix the table head's width and it's visibility
function UpdateTableHeaders() {
$("div.divTableWithFloatingHeader").each(function() {
var originalHeaderRow = $(".tableFloatingHeaderOriginal", this);
var floatingHeaderRow = $(".tableFloatingHeader", this);
var offset = $(this).offset();
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if ((scrollTop > offset.top) && (scrollTop < offset.top + $(this).height())) {
floatingHeaderRow.css("visibility", "visible");
floatingHeaderRow.css("display", "block");
floatingHeaderRow.css("top", Math.min(scrollTop - offset.top, $(this).height() - floatingHeaderRow.height()) + "px");
originalHeaderRow.css("visibility", "hidden");
originalHeaderRow.css("display", "none");
// Copy cell widths from original header
$("th", floatingHeaderRow).each(function(index) {
var cellWidth = $("th", originalHeaderRow).eq(index).css('width');
$(this).css('width', cellWidth);
// Copy row width from whole table
floatingHeaderRow.css("width", $(this).css("width"));
else {
originalHeaderRow.css("visibility", "visible");
originalHeaderRow.css("display", "block");
floatingHeaderRow.css("visibility", "hidden");
floatingHeaderRow.css("display", "none");
floatingHeaderRow.css("top", "0px");
// since my problem was when I cloned the original head and hide it, it wasn't able to sync with the change in width of the table body. I had to sync the width of the each of the tbodys tds with theads tds.
// function to sync width for the table head with table body.
function updateHeaderWidth() {
$("div.divTableWithFloatingHeader").each(function() {
var table = $(this);
var widths = [];
var i = 0;
// iterate through each of the tbodys first trs tds to get their width
table.find('tbody .first-row td div.width-set').each(function(){
widths[i] = $(this).width();
i ++;
// iterate through theads ths add an element with the same width to both first tds and ths
// note: step to add element to both the element is required else it would go a little out of sync
table.find('thead.tableFloatingHeaderOriginal th.width-get, thead.tableFloatingHeader th.width-get').each(function(){
i = $(this).attr('data-col-number');
var width = widths[i];
var widthKeeperTag = '<div style="width: ' + width + 'px; height: 1px;"></div>';
$(this).html($(this).html() + widthKeeperTag);