我正在为我们的内部文档和测试使用 mustache partials - 如另一个 SO question how to have grunt task render mustache partials to static HTML中所述,我现在想使用外部 json 文件驱动部分数据。json 文件将与部分文件命名相同,并将包含将与部分文件一起编译的模拟数据。
我正在为我们的内部文档和测试使用 mustache partials - 如另一个 SO question how to have grunt task render mustache partials to static HTML中所述,我现在想使用外部 json 文件驱动部分数据。json 文件将与部分文件命名相同,并将包含将与部分文件一起编译的模拟数据。
我更新了 hogan.js 文件以读取与部分同名的 data.json 文件:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Grunt utilities.
var task = grunt.task,
file = grunt.file,
utils = grunt.util,
log = grunt.log,
verbose = grunt.verbose,
fail = grunt.fail,
option = grunt.option,
config = grunt.config,
template = grunt.template,
_ = utils._
// external dependencies
var fs = require('fs'),
hogan = require('hogan');
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
grunt.registerMultiTask('hogan', 'Compile mustache files to HTML with hogan.js', function() {
var data = this.data,
src = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src),
dest = grunt.template.process(data.dest),
// Options are set in gruntfile
defaults = {
production: false,
docs: false,
title: 'Sellside',
setAccount: 'NA',
setSiteId: 'NA',
layout: 'docs/templates/layout.mustache',
paths: {},
partials: {},
partialsData: {},
options = _.extend(defaults, this.data.options || {})
!src && grunt.warn('Missing src property.')
if(!src) return false
!dest && grunt.warn('Missing dest property')
if(!dest) return false
var done = this.async()
var srcFiles = file.expandFiles(src)
if(options.paths.partials) {
var partials = grunt.file.expandFiles(options.paths.partials);
log.writeln('Compiling Partials...');
partials.forEach(function(filepath) {
var filename = _.first(filepath.match(/[^\\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+$/i)).replace(/\.mustache$/, '');
var dataFilepath = filepath.replace(/\.mustache$/, '.json');
var partial = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');
options.partials[filename] = hogan.compile(partial);
// if a data file exists, read in the data
if(fs.existsSync(dataFilepath)) {
options.partialsData[filename] = grunt.file.readJSON(dataFilepath);
try {
options.layout = fs.readFileSync(options.layout, 'utf8')
options.layout = hogan.compile(options.layout, {
sectionTags: [{
o: '_i',
c: 'i'
} catch(err) {
grunt.warn(err) && done(false)
srcFiles.forEach(function(filepath) {
var filename = _.first(filepath.match(/[^\\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+$/i)).replace(/\.mustache$/, '')
grunt.helper('hogan', filepath, filename, options, function(err, result) {
err && grunt.warn(err) && done(false)
if(err) return
file.write(dest.replace('FILE', filename), result)
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
grunt.registerHelper('hogan', function(src, filename, options, callback) {
log.writeln('Compiling ' + filename.magenta);
var page = fs.readFileSync(src, 'utf8'),
html = null,
layout = options.layout,
context = {};
context[filename] = 'active';
context._i = true;
context.production = options.production;
context.docs = options.docs;
context.setAccount = options.setAccount;
context.setSiteId = options.setSiteId;
var title = _.template("<%= page == 'Index' ? site : page + ' · ' + site %>")
context.title = title({
page: _(filename).humanize().replace('css', 'CSS'),
site: options.title
try {
page = hogan.compile(page, {
sectionTags: [{
o: '_i',
c: 'i'
context = _.extend(context, options.partialsData);
options.partials.body = page;
page = layout.render(context, options.partials)
callback(null, page)
} catch(err) {
alert.json 文件的简单示例:
"modifier": "alert-warning",
"alertType": "Warning!",
"message": "Best check yo self, you're not looking too good."
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="alert {{alert.modifier}}">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
</div><!-- /container -->
"default": {
"modifier": "alert-warning",
"alertType": "Warning!",
"message": "Best check yo self, you're not looking too good.!"
"error": {
"modifier": "alert-error",
"alertType": "Error!!!",
"message": "You did something horribily wrong!!!"
"success": {
"modifier": "alert-success",
"alertyType": "Success!!!",
"message": "The record has been successfully saved..."
<!-- partial -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="alert {{modifier}}">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
</div><!-- /container -->
{{> alert }}
{{> alert }}
{{> alert }}