在 C# 4.0 中有一个分层对象。主键是 int,但偶尔会有重复的辅助键。我想将条目与重复的辅助键合并。在此示例中,辅助键是名称:
struct Element
int ID;
string Name;
List<int> Children;
List<int> Parents;
public override int GetHashCode()
return ID;
HashSet<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>();
// Example Elements
elements.Add(1, "Apple", Children = {10, 11, 12}, Parents = {13,14,15});
elements.Add(2, "Banana", Children = {20, 21, 22}, Parents = {23,24,25});
elements.Add(3, "Apple", Children = {30, 31, 32}, Parents = {33,34,35});
elements.Add(4, "Food", Children = {1, 2, 3}, Parents = {});
目标是删除第 3 个条目 {3, "Apple",...},然后更新并合并其他剩余元素中的 Parent 和 Children 引用;最终结果应该是这样的:
{ 1, "Apple", Children = { 10, 11, 12, 30, 31, 32 }, Parents = { 13,14,15, 33, 34, 35 }}
{ 2, "Banana", Children = { 20, 21, 22 }, Parents = { 23,24,25 }}
{ 4, "Food", Children = {1, 2}, Parents = {} }
这是我到目前为止所拥有的,但我无法找出更新 HashSet 的最佳方法。我首先复制 HashSet,以便在迭代时进行删除。首先,我找到重复项。如果有重复我想更新,他们从副本中删除它们。那就是我卡住的地方。一旦我更新了重复项,我想删除它们,并防止使用跳过列表再次处理它们:
var copy = new HashSet<Element>(Elements);
HashSet<int> skip = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var e in Elements)
if (!skip.Contains(e.ID)
var duplicates = Elements.Where(x => e.Name == x.Name && e.ID != x.ID);
if (duplicates.Any())
foreach (var d in duplicates)
// Iterate copy and update Parent and Children references
// How do I do this part?
// Remove the duplicates from the copied list
copy.RemoveWhere(x => duplicates.Select(x => x.ID)
// Don't process the duplicates again
return copy;
我被困在这一点上。另外,有没有一种巧妙的方法可以用 Linq 做到这一点?
更新:列表已经是这样了,我无法控制初始内容。我想我可以创建一个新的包装器,它有一个更好的 Add 方法来防止重复。