通常 C++ 程序必须处理 C 库,这些库提供了用于分配和释放资源的免费函数。为了简化此示例,请考虑两个 C 函数,例如get_resource()
struct Object {
void* my_get_resource() { // might be called from the constructor or any other point
return get_resource();
Object() : up(&resource, &del) {
resource = my_get_resource();
/* init all the stuff, but this init might fail at _many_ points */
//~Object() { if (resource) free_resource(resource); } // I don't like: collides with del and is not called if my_get_resource() is called from the constructor and the init process fails for some reasons
void *resource = nullptr;
static void del(void ** ) noexcept {
if (*resource) { free_resource(resource); }
unique_ptr < void*, decltype(&del) > up; // RAII: almost good, sadly that makes Object not moveable properly without redefining the move constructor properly