我现在没时间了,但这里有一个快速版本。我没有阅读您的代码(不懂 C++),所以我不知道我们的解决方案有多接近。
| \
3 16
|\ \
2 4 19
| \ | \
1 | 17 28
| | \
0 12 31
| \
11 14
这是代码。我希望你能从中得到你需要的东西。肯定有一些 Pythonisms 我希望映射到你正在使用的东西。主要思想是将每一行数字视为位置到节点对象的映射,并在每个级别按键对映射进行排序,并根据分配的位置迭代地将它们打印到控制台。然后生成一个新地图,其中包含相对于上一层中其父级的位置。如果发生冲突,则生成一个假节点以将真实节点撞到一条线上。
from collections import namedtuple
# simple node representation. sorry for the mess, but it does represent the
# tree example you gave.
Node = namedtuple('Node', ('label', 'left', 'right'))
def makenode(n, left=None, right=None):
return Node(str(n), left, right)
root = makenode(
makenode(2, makenode(1, makenode(0))),
makenode(4, None, makenode(12, makenode(11), makenode(14)))),
makenode(16, None, makenode(19, makenode(17),
makenode(28, None, makenode(31)))))
# takes a dict of {line position: node} and returns a list of lines to print
def print_levels(print_items, lines=None):
if lines is None:
lines = []
if not print_items:
return lines
# working position - where we are in the line
pos = 0
# line of text containing node labels
new_nodes_line = []
# line of text containing slashes
new_slashes_line = []
# args for recursive call
next_items = {}
# sort dictionary by key and put them in a list of pairs of (position,
# node)
sorted_pos_and_node = [
(k, print_items[k]) for k in sorted(print_items.keys())]
for position, node in sorted_pos_and_node:
# add leading whitespace
while len(new_nodes_line) < position:
new_nodes_line.append(' ')
while len(new_slashes_line) < position:
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# update working position
pos = position
# add node label to string, as separate characters so list length
# matches string length
# add left child if any
if node.left is not None:
# if we're close to overlapping another node, push that node down
# by adding a parent with label '|' which will make it look like a
# line dropping down
for collision in [pos - i for i in range(3)]:
if collision in next_items:
next_items[collision] = makenode(
'|', next_items[collision])
# add the slash and the node to the appropriate places
next_items[position] = node.left
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# update working position
len_num = len(node.label)
pos += len_num
# add some more whitespace
while len(new_slashes_line) < position + len_num:
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# and take care of the right child
if node.right is not None:
next_items[position + len_num + 1] = node.right
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# concatenate each line's components and append them to the list
# do it again!
return print_levels(next_items, lines)
lines = print_levels({0: root})
print '\n'.join(lines)