我已经使用 IB 向现有的 iPad 应用程序添加了 UIToolBar。然后我用 IB 将它连接到视图控制器并验证连接是否存在。但是,当我单击按钮时,视图控制器中的相应代码并未执行。


我很好奇是否对我现有项目中阻止执行 IBAction 代码的不同之处有什么想法?

我正在使用 XCode 4.5.2 和 iOS 6.0(模拟器)进行开发。



1 回答 1


As casillic mentioned in the comments, I had this problem due to the UITapGestureRecognizer I was using this to listen for when the user tapped the background so I could dismiss the keyboard if the user is editing a field.

The UITapGestureRecognizer conflicts with the toolbar and causes the code to not be executed when a toolbar item is selected - instead (in my case) it runs the "dismiss keyboard" code I have in my listener for the tab gesture.

To get around this, I added my gesture recogniser to the housing UIScrollView for the text inputs instead of the main containing view.


replaced this:

[self.view addGestureRecognizer:tap];

with this:

[scrollView addGestureRecognizer:tap];

(scrollView is hooked up as an IBOutlet for the UIScrollView on my storyboards)

于 2013-10-21T08:34:02.920 回答