所以我遇到了一个问题,我有一个 char*s(声明为)char** 数组,其中该数组是动态分配的(通过 calloc),但其中的 char*s 是静态的。
*** glibc detected *** ./hash_table_test: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0891f028 ***
我尝试将数组中的所有 ptrs 设置为 NULL,但随后出现错误
*** glibc detected *** ./hash_table_test: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0815b028 ***
struct string_hash_table {
//Array of c-strings
char** table;
//number of elements in the table
int num_elements;
//size of table
int table_size;
int *primes;
//Current position in primes array
int primes_index;
//the size of the primes array
int primes_size;
typedef struct string_hash_table HashTable;
Rehash 函数(错误来源)
void rehash_string(HashTable *table) {
int prev_size = table->table_size;
int i;
table->table_size = table->table_size * 2;
//create new array
char** new_table = calloc(table->table_size, sizeof(char*));
printf("new table created\n");
int index;
printf("before loop prev_size is %d\n", prev_size);
//add all elements to new_table
for (i = 0; i < prev_size; i++) {
printf("on %d\n", i);
index = find_spot_string(new_table, table->table_size, table->table[i]);
printf("after find_spot_string\n");
if (index != -1) {
table->table[index] = table->table[i];
//free and swap
printf("before free\n");
empty_string_array(table->table, table->table_size);
table->table = new_table;
HashTable 结构的初始化:
//Takes a HashTable and initializes it
void init_hash_table(HashTable *table) {
table->primes_index = 0;
table->num_elements = 0;
table->primes_size = 297;
table->primes = prime_list;
table->table_size = table->primes[0];
table->table = calloc(table->table_size, sizeof(char*));
char* temp = "hello";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
temp = "luck";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
temp = "stuck";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
temp = "buck";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
temp = "muck";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
temp = "much";
add_hash_table_string(table, temp);
编辑:为 add_hash_table_string 添加代码
void add_hash_table_string(HashTable *table, char* element) {
//if non-null element, and element is not in the HashTable
if (element != NULL && contains_hash_table_string(table, element) == 1) {
//if the table is full
if (table->table_size / 2 < table->num_elements) {
int index = find_spot_string(table->table, table->table_size, element);
table->table[index] = element;
忘记准确了,错误发生在 rehash 函数中的 free(table->table) 行