I am using the function gets() to retrieve string input from the user. I then store that string into a char array, char transdestmp[DESMAX], where DESMAX is 31. If the variable_name is greater than 30 chars, then ask the user to renter another string. Else, copy the string using strcpy(), into a 2 dimensional array char - acctdes[31][20].
accttitle recieves transdestmp[DESMAX]
void accttitle(char descr[DESMAX])
printf("\nEnter title for new account %d: ", transinpt);
printf(" **Title entered is longer than 30 characters\n");
printf(" Please reenter : ");
printf("---->vacctdes[transcntr]: %s\n", acctdes[transcntr]);
printf("---->vacctdes[transcntr-1]: %s\n", acctdes[transcntr-1]);
For some reason when I input a long string, and then enter another string, apart of the second string acctdes[1] overwrites the other string stored in acctdes[0].
for example,
First input: acctdes[0] = "This is a long string"
It works...
Second input acctdes[1] = "monkey"
It works...
but then, it seems that when I output acctdes[0], acctdes[0] has some of the value from acctdes[1]... like output - This is a long monk...
Please let me know if you would like more information. Thanks in advance.