我在我的 android 应用程序中使用 jquery。当我在 2.1、3.0 上测试它时,我成功地运行了我的项目,但是当我用 4.1 测试它时,它向我显示错误,例如“NPObject 上的错误调用方法”,所以请建议我在版本更改时是否需要 jquery 或任何 js。我在这里描述了我实际收到错误的代码,实际上我是从 jquery.min.js 粘贴代码。

我在此方法的第 3 行出现错误:

function warn(message) {
            if (window.console !== undefined && jQTSettings.debug === true) {


// Unfortunately, we can not assume the "tap" event
    // is being used for links, forms, etc.
    function clickHandler(e) {
        // Figure out whether to prevent default
        var $el = $(e.target);

        // Find the nearest tappable ancestor
        if (!$el.is(touchSelectors.join(', '))) {
            $el = $(e.target).closest(touchSelectors.join(', '));

        // Prevent default if we found an internal link (relative or absolute)
        if ($el && $el.prop('href') && !$el.isExternalLink()) {
            warn('Need to prevent default click behavior');
        } else {
            warn('No need to prevent default click behavior');

        // Trigger a tap event if touchstart is not on the job
        if ($.support.touch) {
            warn('Not converting click to a tap event because touch handler is on the job');
        } else {
            warn('Converting click event to a tap event because touch handlers are not present or off');
            $(e.target).trigger('tap', e);




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