I need to write collection of HTML documents with very simple formatting. In fact I need only h, div, pre, code, ul, ol, li, a tags.

Is there a tool where I can write the text "online" and occasionally mark the text part and select some formatting to it and this text will be just wrapped with selected tag?

Something like WYSIWYG that is editing some standalone html document. Markdown f.e. is ok if there is tool where I can load collection of HTML documents and then easily edit them "on the fly".


2 回答 2


Check this HTML editor out, it might suit your purpose




于 2012-12-02T13:54:37.013 回答

I'll suggest jHtmlArea, its jQuery powered and its quite fast

  • 1 image file using CSS Image sprites
  • 1 line of javascript, 1 line of CSS

I have used it in a lot of projects before and its quite good.


yes it does wrap the text, and you can simplify the toolbar icons above it.

于 2012-12-03T04:02:40.467 回答