我对杰克逊将 json 文件反序列化为 poco 有误解。这是我的代码:

        JsonParser jp = new JsonFactory().createJsonParser(new File(pathFile)); 
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

        MappingIterator<AnimalBean> animalsss = objectMapper.readValues(jp, AnimalBean.class);
        while (animalsss.hasNext())
            AnimalBean abba = animalsss.next();

我的 POCO 名为 AnimalBean :

public class AnimalBean 
 private String id;
private String nom;
private String nom_scientifique;
private String classe;
private String ordre;
private String famille; 
private String details_zone;    
private String poids;
private String duree_gestation;
private String nb_gestation;
private String longevite;
private String description;
private String images;
   ... + all getter/setter

和我的 JSON 文件:

"zoo": {
    "animaux": {
        "animal": [{
            "id": 1,
            "nom": "test",
            "nom_scientifique": "test2",
            "classe": 1,
            "ordre": 3,
            "famille": 4,
            "details_zone": "Zones",
            "poids": "80",
            "duree_gestation": "11",
            "nb_gestation": "1",
            "longevite": "25 ans",
            "description": "texte de description"


当我执行我的代码时,出现以下错误:无法识别的字段“zoo”(AnimalBean 类),未标记为可忽略。我知道问题是我的 json 文件不是直接由动物开始的,但我无法更改它,因为它不是我的。我已经尝试将 objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); 但它改变了一切。



2 回答 2


为什么不只使用几个包装类来匹配 JSON?


public class Wrapper {
  public Zoo zoo;
public class Zoo {
  public Animals animaux;
public class Animals {
  public Animal[] animal;


Wrapper w = mapper.readValue(json, Wrapper.class);
for (Animal animal : w.zoo.animaux.animal) {
   // process!
于 2012-12-02T07:21:26.890 回答

This is completely untested code since I cannot accurately replicate your situation/code. Basically it attempts to get the value as String and do some unwrapping, then creates another JsonParser.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonParser jp = new JsonFactory().createJsonParser(new File(pathFile)); 
String json = jp.getText();
JsonNode node = objectMapper.readTree(json).get("Animal");
JsonParser jp2 = new JsonFactory().createJsonParser(node.getTextValue());

MappingIterator<AnimalBean> animalsss = objectMapper.readValues(jp2, AnimalBean.class);
while (animalsss.hasNext())
    AnimalBean abba = animalsss.next();
于 2012-12-02T00:13:39.130 回答