I made a tic tac toe A.I. Given each board state, my A.I. will return 1 exact place to move. (Even if moves are equally correct, it chooses same one every time, it does not pick a random one)
I also made a function that loops though all possible plays made with the A.I.
So it's a recursive function that lets the A.I. make a move for a given board, then lets the other play make all possible moves and calls the recursive function in it self with a new board for each possible move.
I do this for when the A.I goes first, and when the other one goes first... and add these together. I end up with 418 possible wins and 115 possible ties, and 0 possible loses.
But now my problem is, how do I maximize the amount of wins? I need to compare this statistic to something, but I can't figure out what to compare it to.