Having a tough time with this issue. Not sure how but my ApplicationPoolIdentity is broken.

Currently I'm running IIS 8 on Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012. When trying to debug an application from Visual Studio, or just navigating to the site in a browser I get the following error logged and a 503 error.

Application pool 'DefaultAppPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.

If I check out the Application error logs, I find the following error from the User Profile Service.

Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly. 

 DETAIL - The system cannot find the path specified.

Upon looking into the details I find that the User Profile Service is trying to load up a profile with the Id


Now I opened up the registry to try and find the profile with that UserId. However there's nothing in the Profile list that helps.

No profile with the ID here

So digging around a little more I've found that this issue can be resolved by either

A) Set the Load User Profile of the Application Pool to false.

B) Use a different account for the application pool.

C) Fix the account.

Seeing how this is the built in account, I'd prefer to fix the issue rather than fix the sympton.

What I have tried

  • aspnet_regiis -i
  • Removing IIS from windows and reinstalling.
  • Attempted to follow the guide here but I don't know the account password :P

My hunch

Somehow the ApplicationPoolIdentity got messed up. Is there any physical folders for the built-in accounts? I know that the Network and Local service profiles physical directories exist at C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\. It is possible to recreate the ApplicationPoolIdentity profile? Or am I way off on what the real issue is?


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C)这是我在 regedit 中修复帐户的方法

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

有一个名为“默认”的设置。您必须确保数据值指向驱动器上的现有目录。默认情况下,它包含“%SystemDrive%\Users\Default”。在我的公司中,默认更改为自定义配置文件。不知何故,有人删除了该用户个人资料。因此,当 defaultAppPool 用户尝试为自己创建帐户时,它无法这样做,因为 windows 无法为他提供默认用户配置文件。


Windows 找不到本地配置文件,正在使用临时配置文件登录。您对此配置文件所做的更改将在您注销时丢失。

于 2013-10-11T18:07:43.553 回答