I have a site that I support which is a mixture of classic ASP and ASP.NET. My goal is to encrypt the querystring in a manner that is transparent to the user. On the ASP.NET side I am using a approach similar to what Mads Kristensen has put together here: http://madskristensen.net/post/HttpModule-for-query-string-encryption.aspx

My problem is how can I replicate this on the classic ASP side? The HttpModule wont work for classic ASP as those requests are handled outside of the ASP.NET page life cycle so I have been looking at handling this in the Global.asa with no luck so far. To replicate the httpmodule I would need to get a hold of the HttpContext and I havent found a vbscript equivalent. I am a bit stuck any assistance or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Mads Kristensen 在他的加密和解密函数中使用 Rijndael 密码 (AES),因此您需要在经典 ASP 中重新创建这些函数。以下页面可以帮助您:

使用 AES 的简短教程是 VBScript:http
://www.example-code.com/vbscript/AesIv.asp 该模块位于: http: //www.chilkatsoft.com/refdoc/xChilkatCrypt2Ref.html

但是,您也可以将“QueryStringModule.cs”类公开为 COM 对象,并将其部署到您的经典 ASP 页面。

参考:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c3fd4a20.aspx

于 2012-12-01T22:13:57.547 回答