Hi I have been working with visual studio 2010 ultimate all day developing an asp.net webforms application. I just realized that on the properties for controls window the button for events is missing , the one that looks like a thunderbolt.

An hour ago that button was there and now somehow it has disapeared and I can't figure out how to make it visible again.

I have tryed reseting the visual studio settings and reseting the computer but nothing worked

How can I get the button back?


1 回答 1


我有同样的问题。这对我有帮助。1.重新启动visual studio 2010。 2.在标记页(.aspx)中单击并选择一个控件(如3.选择后,单击菜单中的“查看”并选择“属性窗口”。

勾选属性框,Thunderbolt 将可用。它只是发生在我身上!


1.Select design view in markup(.aspx)
2.Select any individual control like a button or label..
3.Now, you will be able to see a ">" button on the right side? Click it.
4.Remember to select only one control./.now check your property window! Whoohoo..
于 2012-12-26T07:03:56.843 回答