作为我之前关于在字符串中查找相同字符的运行的问题的后续,我还想找到一种函数算法来查找长度大于 2 的所有子字符串,这些子字符串是字母或数字的升序或降序序列(例如,: "defgh", "34567", "XYZ", "fedcba", "NMLK", 9876", etc.) in a string ( [Char]). 我考虑的唯一序列是A..Z, a..z,的子串0..9及其递减对应项。返回值应该是(从零开始的偏移量,长度)对的列表。我正在将“zxcvbn”密码强度算法从 JavaScript(包含命令式代码)转换为 Scala。我想保持我的代码纯粹尽可能实用,出于以函数式编程风格编写的所有常见原因。

我的代码是用 Scala 编写的,但我可能可以用 Clojure、F#、Haskell 或伪代码中的任何一种来翻译算法。





3 回答 3


最好将一个问题拆分为几个较小的子问题。我用 Haskell 写了一个解决方案,这对我来说更容易。它使用惰性列表,但我想您可以使用流或通过使主函数尾递归并将中间结果作为参数传递来将其转换为 Scala。

-- Mark all subsequences whose adjacent elements satisfy
-- the given predicate. Includes subsequences of length 1.
sequences :: (Eq a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
sequences p [] = []
sequences p (x:xs) = seq x xs 0 0
    -- arguments: previous char, current tail sequence, 
    -- last asc. start offset of a valid subsequence, current offset
    seq _ [] lastOffs curOffs = [(lastOffs, curOffs - lastOffs)]
    seq x (x':xs) lastOffs curOffs
        | p x x'    -- predicate matches - we're extending current subsequence
            = seq x' xs lastOffs curOffs'
        | otherwise -- output the currently marked subsequence and start a new one
            = (lastOffs, curOffs - lastOffs) : seq x' xs curOffs curOffs'
        curOffs' = curOffs + 1

-- Marks ascending subsequences.
asc :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
asc = sequences (\x y -> succ x == y)

-- Marks descending subsequences.
desc :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
desc = sequences (\x y -> pred x == y)

-- Returns True for subsequences of length at least 2.
validRange :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
validRange (offs, len) = len >= 2

-- Find all both ascending and descending subsequences of the
-- proper length.
combined :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(Int,Int)]
combined xs = filter validRange (asc xs) ++ filter validRange (desc xs)

-- test:
main = print $ combined "qweABCD13987"
于 2012-12-01T18:58:38.910 回答

这是我在 Clojure 中的近似值:



user => (find-serials "qweABCD13987")
(0 1 2 # # # # 7 8 # # #)


user => (find-runs (find-serials "qweABCD13987"))
([3 4] [9 3])


(defn find-runs [s]
  (let [ls (map count (partition-by identity s))]
    (filter #(>= (% 1) 3) 
            (map vector (reductions + 0 ls) ls))))

(def pad "#")

(defn inc-or-dec? [a b] 
  (= (Math/abs (- (int a) (int b))) 1 ))

(defn serial? [a b c] 
  (or (inc-or-dec? a b) (inc-or-dec? b c)))

(defn find-serials [s] 
  (map-indexed (fn [x [a b c]] (if (serial? a b c) pad x)) 
       (partition 3 1 (concat pad s pad))))

find-serials创建一个 3 单元格滑动窗口并应用于serial?检测作为序列开头/中间/结尾的单元格。该字符串被方便地填充,因此窗口始终以原始字符为中心。

于 2012-12-07T00:01:49.853 回答

我想这个问题的一个很好的解决方案确实比最初看起来更复杂。我不是 Scala Pro,所以我的解决方案肯定不是最佳和好的,但也许它会给你一些想法。


object Sequences {

  val s = "qweABCD13987"                         

  val pairs = (s zip s.tail) toList   // if s might be empty, add a check here            
  // = List((q,w), (w,e), (e,A), (A,B), (B,C), (C,D), (D,1), (1,3), (3,9), (9,8), (8,7))

  // assuming all characters are either letters or digits
  val diff = pairs map {case (t1, t2) =>
    if (t1.isLetter ^ t2.isLetter) 0 else t1 - t2}   // xor could also be replaced by !=
  // = List(-6, 18, 36, -1, -1, -1, 19, -2, -6, 1, 1)

   * @param xs A list indicating the differences between consecutive characters
   * @param current triple: (start index of the current sequence;
   *                         number of current elements in the sequence;
   *                         number indicating the direction i.e. -1 = downwards, 1 = upwards, 0 = doesn't matter)
   * @return A list of triples similar to the argument
  def sequences(xs: Seq[Int], current: (Int, Int, Int) = (0, 1, 0)): List[(Int, Int, Int)] = xs match {
    case Nil => current :: Nil
    case (1 :: ys) =>
      if (current._3 != -1)
        sequences(ys, (current._1, current._2 + 1, 1))
        current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2 - 1, 2, 1))  // "recompute" the current index
    case (-1 :: ys) =>
      if (current._3 != 1)
        sequences(ys, (current._1, current._2 + 1, -1))
        current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2 - 1, 2, -1))
    case (_ :: ys) =>
      current :: sequences(ys, (current._1 + current._2, 1, 0))

  sequences(diff) filter (_._2 > 1) map (t => (t._1, t._2))
于 2012-12-01T17:50:22.073 回答