如果我的 aspx 中有一个 entitydatasource 控件(看起来像这样,是由设计器中的配置向导创建的并且可以工作)

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="edsFuelPrices" runat="server"
                        ConnectionString="name=enerEntities" DefaultContainerName="enerEntities"
                        EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="dieselprices" Select="it.[date], it.[NYMarineDiesel]">

我想在后面的代码中构建它并从 aspx 标记中删除所有属性。为什么以下不起作用?即使 NYMarineDiesel 是表中的有效列,我在加载时收到错误“查询语法无效。接近转义标识符 '[NYMarineDiesel]',第 1 行,第 21 列”

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
        ' when page loads for the first time just show the Marine diesel prices
            edsFuelPrices.ConnectionString = "name=enerteckEntities"
            edsFuelPrices.DefaultContainerName = "enerteckEntities"
            edsFuelPrices.EnableFlattening = False
            edsFuelPrices.EntitySetName = "dieselprices"
            'edsFuelPrices.Include = "Date,NYMarineDiesel"
            edsFuelPrices.Select = "it.[Date], it[NYMarineDiesel]"
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("An error occurred while loading this page: " & ex.Message.ToString())
        End Try
        'need to add the code on postbacks, the data returned for the chart is  determined by what checkboxes are checked in the checkboxlist

    End If
                'FormatXAxisLabels(chtFuelPrices, "MainChartArea", 9)
                FormatYAxisLabels(chtFuelPrices, "MainChartArea", 9)
                FormatLineCharts(chtFuelPrices, True, "MainLegend", "Fuel Types")
End Sub

1 回答 1


您不是在“它”和属性名称之间缺少一个点吗?- 你有it[NYMarineDiesel],我相信你应该有it.[NYMarineDiesel]"

于 2012-12-07T17:37:17.547 回答