I've designed a label with Label Vista (free Zebra software) and I went watching at the generated CPCL code, I noticed:

_TTF -23 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 2 34 [Arial] 117 16 Test TTF string
T Ari06pt.cpf 0 118 45 Test Uploaded font string

I've uploaded to the printer the Ari06pt.cpf generated font. Then I've tried to print from Label Vista and all went OK! IT WORKS!

After that I've passed the code to my android application (JAVA with Zebra SDK) and I've tried to print, but in this case only the

"T Ari06pt.cpf 0 118 45 Test Uploaded font string\r\n"

works right.... the first line (_TTF) is NOT WORKING anymore (white line was printed)...

Some solution?


1 回答 1


根据CPCL 手册

_TTF -23 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 2 34 [Arial] 117 16 Test TTF string

不是 CPCL 命令。但是,LabelVista 出于某种原因 (??) 使用桌面操作系统的常驻 TrueType 字体创建此命令,并在打印时将其静默转换为 CPCL“T”命令,如下所示:

T Ari06pt.cpf 0 117 16 Test TTF string

所以我认为你应该检查 LabelVista 的输出是否包含 CPCL 以外的命令。您也可以尝试 ZebraDesigner 编辑器。

我使用过 Zebra MZ320 和 QL420+,它们在内存中只接受预缩放字体(*.cpf 文件)。所以尝试将 TrueType 字体转换为预缩放字体。您可以使用 LabelVista 或 Zebra 字体下载器对其进行转换,然后将其上传到您的打印机。您可以按照此 Zebra 字体转换指南进行操作。

于 2012-12-27T06:41:46.223 回答