I am trying to create a hyperlink using php. the hyper link is in a table..
this is my code:
echo"<tr><td>"<a href='".$row['hyperPath'] . ">click here</a></td></tr>";
I am getting an error
How can i fix this?
I am trying to create a hyperlink using php. the hyper link is in a table..
this is my code:
echo"<tr><td>"<a href='".$row['hyperPath'] . ">click here</a></td></tr>";
I am getting an error
How can i fix this?
It should be
echo"<tr><td><a href='".$row['hyperPath'] . "'>click here</a></td></tr>";
You had an extra " after your tag. If you really want the " to be displayed you need to escape it first with \ like this:
echo"<tr><td>\"<a href='".$row['hyperPath'] . "'>click here</a></td></tr>";
You were also missing the closing quote for your href attribute (added before >click here)
echo "<tr><td><a href='".$row['hyperPath']."'>click here</a></td></tr>";