我使用 webviewjavascriptbridge 来交流 javascript 和目标 C 代码。
在此示例代码中,请注意 bridge 的全局变量。
<!doctype html>
<style type='text/css'>
html { font-family:Helvetica; color:#222; }
h1 { color:steelblue; font-size:24px; margin-top:24px; }
button { margin:0 3px 10px; font-size:12px; }
.logLine { border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; padding:4px 2px; font-family:courier; font-size:11px; }
<h1>WebViewJavascriptBridge Demo</h1>
window.onerror = function(err) {
alert('window.onerror: ' + err)
var bridge;
document.addEventListener('WebViewJavascriptBridgeReady', onBridgeReady, false)
function onBridgeReady(event){
alert("Onbridge ready call");
bridge = event.bridge
var uniqueId = 1
function log(message, data) {
var log = document.getElementById('log')
var el = document.createElement('div')
el.className = 'logLine'
el.innerHTML = uniqueId++ + '. ' + message + (data ? ': ' + JSON.stringify(data) : '')
if (log.children.length) { log.insertBefore(el, log.children[0]) }
else { log.appendChild(el) }
bridge.init(function(message) {
log('JS got a message', message)
bridge.registerHandler('open', function(data, response) {
log('JS handler testJavascriptHandler was called', data)
response.respondWith({ 'Javascript Says':'open open open!' })
bridge.registerHandler('testJavascriptHandler', function(data, response) {
log('JS handler testJavascriptHandler was called', data)
response.respondWith({ 'Javascript Says':'Right back atcha!' })
var button = document.getElementById('buttons').appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
button.innerHTML = 'Send message to ObjC'
button.ontouchstart = function(e) {
bridge.send('Hello from JS button')
var callbackButton = document.getElementById('buttons').appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
callbackButton.innerHTML = 'Fire testObjcCallback'
callbackButton.ontouchstart = function(e) {
log("Calling handler testObjcCallback")
bridge.callHandler('testObjcCallback', {'foo': 'bar'}, function(response) {
log('Got response from testObjcCallback', response)
function open(url, offset,e)
//alert("Open Webview with url:Yes Got it");
// alert(document.getElementById(offset).href);
// var bridge = event.bridge;
// alert(bridge);
window.location = url+'?offset='+offset//'myapp:myaction:url:offset'
function close()
alert("Open Webview with url:"+ url + " & Offset: " + offset);
function requestFromObjc(functionName, objcResult, callback)
if (!objcResult)
window.location = 'myapp:myaction:param1:param2'
// window.location = "myapp://objcRequest?function=" + functionName + "&callback=" + arguments.callee.name + "&callbackFunc=" + arguments.callee.caller.name;
<div id='buttons'></div> <div id='log'></div>
<a id="55" href="javascript:open('http://www.tcm.com', '55',this)">Open</a><br>
<a href="javascript:close()">Close</a>
参考:https ://github.com/marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge