
我一直在尝试不同的方法(在 Python 2.7 中)从语料库或字符串列表中提取(单词、频率)元组列表,并比较它们的效率。据我所知,在未排序列表的正常情况下,模块中的Counter方法collections优于我在其他地方提出或发现的任何方法,但它似乎并没有充分利用 a 的好处预先排序的列表,我想出了在这种特殊情况下轻松击败它的方法。因此,简而言之,是否有任何内置方法可以通知Counter列表已经排序以进一步加快速度?

(下一部分是关于 Counter 发挥神奇作用的未排序列表;您可能想跳到最后,在处理排序列表时它会失去魅力。)



天真的方法是使用sorted([(word, corpus.count(word)) for word in set(corpus)]),但是一旦您的语料库有几千个项目长,这种方法就会可靠地让您陷入运行时问题 - 这并不奇怪,因为您多次遍历 n 个单词 m 的整个列表,其中 m 是唯一词的数量。


所以我在发现之前尝试做Counter的是通过首先对输入列表进行排序来确保所有搜索都是严格本地的(我还必须删除数字和标点符号并将所有条目转换为小写以避免像'foo'这样的重复, 'Foo' 和 'foo:')。

#Natural Language Toolkit, for access to corpus; any other source for a long text will do, though.
import nltk 

# nltk corpora come as a class of their own, as I udnerstand it presenting to the
# outside as a unique list but underlyingly represented as several lists, with no more
# than one ever loaded into memory at any one time, which is good for memory issues 
# but rather not so for speed so let's disable this special feature by converting it
# back into a conventional list:
corpus = list(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words()) 

import string
drop = string.punctuation+string.digits  

def wordcount5(corpus, Case=False, lower=False, StrippedSorted=False):
    '''function for extracting word frequencies out of a corpus. Returns an alphabetic list
    of tuples consisting of words contained in the corpus with their frequencies.  
    Default is case-insensitive, but if you need separate entries for upper and lower case 
    spellings of the same words, set option Case=True. If your input list is already sorted
    and stripped of punctuation marks/digits and/or all lower case, you can accelerate the 
    operation by a factor of 5 or so by declaring so through the options "Sorted" and "lower".'''
    # you can ignore the following 6 lines for now, they're only relevant with a pre-processed input list
    if lower or Case:
        if StrippedSorted:
            sortedc = corpus 
            sortedc = sorted([word.replace('--',' ').strip(drop)
                   for word in sorted(corpus)])
    # here we sort and purge the input list in the default case:
            sortedc = sorted([word.lower().replace('--',' ').strip(drop)
                   for word in sorted(corpus)])
    # start iterating over the (sorted) input list:
    scindex = 0
    # create a list:
    freqs = []
    # identify the first token:
    currentword = sortedc[0]
    length = len(sortedc)
    while scindex < length:
        wordcount = 0
        # increment a local counter while the tokens == currentword
        while scindex < length and sortedc[scindex] == currentword:
            scindex += 1
            wordcount += 1
        # store the current word and final score when a) a new word appears or
        # b) the end of the list is reached
        freqs.append((currentword, wordcount))
        # if a): update currentword with the current token
        if scindex < length:
            currentword = sortedc[scindex]
    return freqs


这要好得多,但仍然不如使用集合模块中的 Counter 类快,后者会创建一个 {word: frequency of word} 条目的字典(我们仍然必须进行相同的剥离和降低,但不进行排序) :

from collections import Counter
cnt = Counter()
for word in [token.lower().strip(drop) for token in corpus]:
    cnt[word] += 1
# optionally, if we want to have the same output format as before,
# we can do the following which negligibly adds in runtime:
wordfreqs = sorted([(word, cnt[word]) for word in cnt])

在古腾堡语料库与 appr。200 万个条目,Counter 方法在我的机器上大约快 30%(5 秒而不是 7.2 秒),这主要是通过大约 2.1 秒的排序例程来解释的(如果你没有也不想安装提供对该语料库的访问的 nltk 包(自然语言工具包),任何其他足够长的文本在单词级别适当地拆分为字符串列表都会向您显示相同的内容。)



import time
>>> if 1:
...     start = time.time()
...     cnt = Counter()
...     for word in [token.lower().strip(drop) for token in corpus if token not in [" ", ""]]:
...         cnt[word] += 1
...     time.time()-start
...     cntgbfreqs = sorted([(word, cnt[word]) for word in cnt])
...     time.time()-start

(我们看到最后一步,将结果格式化为元组列表,占用的时间不到总时间的 5%。)


>>> if 1:
...     start = time.time()
...     gbfreqs = wordcount5(corpus)
...     time.time()-start

排序的输入列表 - 当Counter“失败”时

但是,您可能已经注意到,我的函数允许指定输入已经排序,去除了标点垃圾,并转换为小写。如果我们已经为其他一些操作创建了这样一个列表的转换版本,使用它(并声明)可以大大加快 my 的操作wordcount5

>>> sorted_corpus = sorted([token.lower().strip(drop) for token in corpus if token not in [" ", ""]])
>>> if 1:
...     start = time.time()
...     strippedgbfreqs2 = wordcount5(sorted_corpus, lower=True, StrippedSorted=True)
...     time.time()-start

在这里,我们将运行时间减少了大约 1 倍。8 不必对语料库进行排序和转换项目。当然,后者在Counter使用这个新列表时也是如此,因此可以预期它也会更快一些,但它似乎没有利用它已排序的事实,现在它需要的时间是我的函数的两倍之前快 30%:

>>> if 1:
...     start = time.time()
...     cnt = Counter()
...     for word in sorted_corpus:
...         cnt[word] += 1
...     time.time()-start
...     strippedgbfreqs = [(word, cnt[word])for word in cnt]
...     time.time()-start

当然,我们可以使用我使用的相同逻辑wordcount5- 递增本地计数器直到遇到一个新单词,然后才将最后一个单词与计数器的当前状态一起存储,并将下一个单词的计数器重置为 0 -仅用Counter作存储,但该Counter方法的固有效率似乎丢失了,并且性能在我创建字典的函数范围内,转换为元组列表的额外负担现在看起来比以前更麻烦正在处理原始语料库:

>>> def countertest():
...     start = time.time()
...     sortedcnt = Counter()
...     c = 0
...     length = len(sorted_corpus)
...     while c < length:
...         wcount = 0
...         word = sorted_corpus[c]
...         while c < length and sorted_corpus[c] == word:
...             wcount+=1
...             c+=1
...         sortedcnt[word] = wcount
...         if c < length:
...             word = sorted_corpus[c]
...     print time.time()-start
...     return sorted([(word, sortedcnt[word]) for word in sortedcnt])
...     print time.time()-start
>>> strippedbgcnt = countertest()


因此,我的问题:是否有一种更惯用的方式来通知Counter其输入列表已经排序并使其将当前键保留在内存中,而不是每次它 - 可以预见地 - 遇到相同的下一个标记时重新查找它单词?换句话说,是否可以通过将/类的固有效率与排序列表的明显好处相结合来进一步提高预排序列表的性能Counterdictionary,或者我是否已经在 0.9 秒的硬性限制上进行计数? 2M 条目的列表?

可能没有很大的改进空间 - 当我做我能想到的最简单的事情时,我得到大约 0.55 秒的时间,这仍然需要遍历同一个列表并检查每个单独的值,并且 0.25 表示set(corpus)没有计数,但也许那里有一些 itertools 魔法可以帮助接近这些数字?

(注意:我是 Python 和一般编程的相对新手,如果我错过了一些明显的东西,请原谅。)


另一件事,除了排序本身,这使我上面的所有方法都变慢了,将 2M 字符串中的每一个都转换为小写,并去除它们可能包含的任何标点符号或数字。我之前尝试过通过计算未处理的字符串来简化它,然后才转换结果并在添加它们的计数时删除重复项,但我一定做错了什么,因为它让事情变得如此缓慢。因此,我恢复到以前的版本,转换原始语料库中的所有内容,现在无法完全重建我在那里所做的事情。

如果我现在尝试,我确实从最后转换字符串中得到了改进。我仍然通过遍历(结果)列表来做到这一点。我所做的是编写了几个函数,它们将在它们之间转换 JF Sebastian 获胜的 default_dict 方法(格式为[("word", int), ("Word", int)], ("word2", int),...]) 转换为小写并去掉标点符号,并折叠在该操作之后保持相同的所有键的计数(下面的代码)。优点是我们现在正在处理一个大约 50k 条目的列表,而不是语料库中 > 2M 的条目。这样,我现在从语料库(作为列表)到不区分大小写的字数计数(忽略我机器上的标点符号)的时间为 1.25 秒,低于使用 Counter 方法和字符串转换作为第一步的大约 4.5 秒。但也许有一种基于字典的方法可以用于我正在做的事情sum_sorted()


def striplast(resultlist, lower_or_Case=False):
    """function for string conversion of the output of any of the `count_words*` methods"""
    if lower_or_Case:
        strippedresult = sorted([(entry[0].strip(drop), entry[1]) for entry in resultlist])
        strippedresult = sorted([(entry[0].lower().strip(drop), entry[1]) for entry in resultlist])
    strippedresult = sum_sorted(strippedresult)
    return strippedresult

def sum_sorted(inputlist):
    """function for collapsing the counts of entries left identical by striplast()"""
    ilindex = 0
    freqs = []
    currentword = inputlist[0][0]
    length = len(inputlist)
    while ilindex < length:
        wordcount = 0
        while ilindex < length and inputlist[ilindex][0] == currentword:
            wordcount += inputlist[ilindex][1]
            ilindex += 1
        if currentword not in ["", " "]:
            freqs.append((currentword, wordcount))
        if ilindex < length and inputlist[ilindex][0] > currentword:
            currentword = inputlist[ilindex][0]
    return freqs

def count_words_defaultdict2(words, loc=False): 
    """modified version of J.F. Sebastian's winning method, added a final step collapsing
    the counts for words identical except for punctuation and digits and case (for the 
    latter, unless you specify that you're interested in a case-sensitive count by setting
    l(ower_)o(r_)c(ase) to True) by means of striplast()."""
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for w in words:
        d[w] += 1
    if col=True:
        return striplast(sorted(d.items()), lower_or_case=True)
        return striplast(sorted(d.items()))

我第一次尝试使用 groupy 来完成当前由sum_sorted(), 和/或完成的工作striplast(),但我无法完全弄清楚如何欺骗它对' 排序的结果[entry[1]]中的条目列表求和。我得到的最接近的是:count_wordsentry[0]

# "i(n)p(ut)list", toylist for testing purposes:

list(groupby(sorted([(entry[0].lower().strip(drop), entry[1]) for entry in  iplist])))

# returns:

[(('a', 1), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb290>), (('a', 2), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb250>), (('a', 3), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb210>), (('a', 5), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb2d0>), (('a', 8), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb310>), (('b', 3), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb350>), (('b', 7), <itertools._grouper object at 0x1031bb390>)]

# So what I used instead for striplast() is based on list comprehension:

list(sorted([(entry[0].lower().strip(drop), entry[1]) for entry in  iplist]))

# returns:

[('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('a', 5), ('a', 8), ('b', 3), ('b', 7)]

3 回答 3


给定您提到的单词排序列表,您是否尝试过传统的 Pythonic 方法itertools.groupby

from itertools import groupby
some_data = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c']
count = dict( (k, sum(1 for i in v)) for k, v in groupby(some_data) ) # or
count = {k:sum(1 for i in v) for k, v in groupby(some_data)}
# {'a': 2, 'c': 3, 'b': 1}
于 2012-12-01T00:44:55.533 回答

回答标题中的问题:Counter、dict、defaultdict、OrderedDict 是基于散列的类型:为了查找一个项目,他们计算一个键的散列并使用它来获取项目。它们甚至支持没有定义顺序的键,只要它们是可散列的,即 Counter 不能利用预排序的输入。


sorted                  3.19
count_words_Counter     2.88
count_words_defaultdict 2.45
count_words_dict        2.58
count_words_groupby     3.44
count_words_groupby_sum 3.52

此外,已经排序的输入中的单词计数groupby()只需要首先对输入进行排序所需的时间的一小部分,并且比基于 dict 的方法更快。

def count_words_Counter(words):
    return sorted(Counter(words).items())

def count_words_groupby(words):
    return [(w, len(list(gr))) for w, gr in groupby(sorted(words))]

def count_words_groupby_sum(words):
    return [(w, sum(1 for _ in gr)) for w, gr in groupby(sorted(words))]

def count_words_defaultdict(words):
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for w in words:
        d[w] += 1
    return sorted(d.items())

def count_words_dict(words):
    d = {}
    for w in words:
            d[w] += 1
        except KeyError:
            d[w] = 1
    return sorted(d.items())

def _count_words_freqdist(words):
    # note: .items() returns words sorted by word frequency (descreasing order)
    #       (same as `Counter.most_common()`)
    #       so the code sorts twice (the second time in lexicographical order)
    return sorted(nltk.FreqDist(words).items())


注意:如果将nltk的惰性词序列转换为列表,速度会快3倍(WORDS = list(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words())但相对性能是一样的:

sorted                  1.22
count_words_Counter     0.86
count_words_defaultdict 0.48
count_words_dict        0.54
count_words_groupby     1.49
count_words_groupby_sum 1.55

结果类似于Python - 字典查找每个字符的频率是否很慢?.

如果您想规范化单词(删除标点符号,将它们设为小写等);请参阅Python 中将字符串转换为全小写去除所有非 ascii 字母字符的最有效方法是什么的答案?. 一些例子:

def toascii_letter_lower_genexpr(s, _letter_set=ascii_lowercase):
    >>> toascii_letter_lower_genexpr("ABC,-.!def")
    return ''.join(c for c in s.lower() if c in _letter_set)

def toascii_letter_lower_genexpr_set(s, _letter_set=set(ascii_lowercase)):
    return ''.join(c for c in s.lower() if c in _letter_set)

def toascii_letter_lower_translate(s,
    table=maketrans(ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase * 2),
    deletechars=''.join(set(maketrans('', '')) - set(ascii_letters))):
    return s.translate(table, deletechars)

def toascii_letter_lower_filter(s, _letter_set=set(ascii_letters)):
    return filter(_letter_set.__contains__, s).lower()


def combine_counts(items):
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for word, count in items:
        d[word] += count
    return d.iteritems()

def clean_words_in_items(clean_word, items):
    return ((clean_word(word), count) for word, count in items)

def normalize_count_words(words):
    """Normalize then count words."""
    return count_words_defaultdict(imap(toascii_letter_lower_translate, words))

def count_normalize_words(words):
    """Count then normalize words."""
    freqs = count_words_defaultdict(words)
    freqs = clean_words_in_items(toascii_letter_lower_translate, freqs)
    return sorted(combine_counts(freqs))


我已经更新了基准来测量count_words*()toascii*()函数的各种组合(未显示 5x4 对):

toascii_letter_lower_filter      0.954 usec small
toascii_letter_lower_genexpr     2.44 usec small
toascii_letter_lower_genexpr_set 2.19 usec small
toascii_letter_lower_translate   0.633 usec small

toascii_letter_lower_filter      124 usec random 2000
toascii_letter_lower_genexpr     197 usec random 2000
toascii_letter_lower_genexpr_set 121 usec random 2000
toascii_letter_lower_translate   7.73 usec random 2000

sorted                  1.28 sec 
count_words_Counter     941 msec 
count_words_defaultdict 501 msec 
count_words_dict        571 msec 
count_words_groupby     1.56 sec 
count_words_groupby_sum 1.64 sec 

count_normalize_words 622 msec 
normalize_count_words 2.18 sec 


  • 规范化单词 -toascii_letter_lower_translate()

  • count words (presorted input) -groupby()基于方法

  • 数词——count_words_defaultdict()

  • 首先计算单词然后标准化它们会更快 -count_normalize_words()


于 2012-12-01T03:23:15.133 回答

OP 代码效率低下的一个原因(几个答案在没有评论的情况下得到了修复)是过度依赖中间列表。当生成器会做的时候,没有理由创建一个包含数百万个单词的临时列表来迭代它们。


cnt = Counter()
for word in [token.lower().strip(drop) for token in corpus]:
    cnt[word] += 1


cnt = Counter(token.lower().strip(drop) for token in corpus)


wordfreqs = sorted([(word, cnt[word]) for word in cnt])


wordfreqs = sorted(cnt.items())   # In Python 2: cnt.iteritems()


于 2017-03-27T12:33:58.690 回答