我在 php 中调用必要的 jQuery 函数时遇到了困难,所以我将它们添加到 javascript,但是我熟悉的方法(成功函数)阻止 php 执行除 INSERT INTO 和 SELECT 查询之外的任何操作。我将如何更改此脚本以完成 php,和/或如何组合代码以完成以下操作?


如果验证成功:Both Genders: parent.close_field('notice'); (目前仅适用于 javascript)


  • 在 customer_info 表中插入信息
  • 标识分配给此帐户的 user_id
  • 将用户重定向到下一页(目前在 php 和 javascript 中)


  • 生成电子邮件通知我请求
  • 将信息插入到邀请请求表中
  • 给男士的回声信息(目前在两者中;首选方法是在 php 中)
  • 关闭 Fancybox iframe(目前仅适用于 javascript)

我正在使用 fancybox2 和这个 jQuery 验证插件http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/


var $custInfo = $("#customer_info");
$(document).ready(function () {
  var validator = $custInfo.validate({
    rules: {...},
    messages: {...},
    errorLabelContainer: "#messageBox",
    submitHandler: function () {
            success: function () {
                if ($('input[name=gender][value=female]').is(':checked')) {
                    window.location.href = "page1.html";
                } else if ($('input[name=gender][value=male]').is(':checked')) {
                    alert("This isn’t available yet for men, but we’ll send you an invitation as soon as it is");
  $custInfo.find("input[name=gender]").change(function () {
    if ($(this).val() == "male") {


//Start session and connection to database goes here
//Function to sanitize values received from the form goes here     
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
if ($gender==="female" ) {
    // INSERT information into customer_info table    
   $qry = "INSERT INTO customer_info(fname, lname, gender, zip, email, phone, terms, security_question, security_answer, participating_retailers, notify_new_items, notify_promotions, priority1, priority2, priority3, priority4, priority5, gift_privacy, user_name, password, Quickfill)      VALUES('$_POST[fname]','$_POST[lname]','$_POST[gender]','$_POST[zip]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[phone]','$_POST[terms]','$_POST[security_question]','$_POST[security_answer]','$_POST[participating_retailers]','$_POST[notify_new_items]','$_POST[notify_promotions]','$_POST[priority1]','$_POST[priority2]','$_POST[priority3]','$_POST[priority4]','$_POST[priority5]','$_POST[gift_privacy]','$user_name','".md5($_POST['password'])."','$_POST[Quickfill]')";
       $result = @mysql_query($qry);     
    if($result) {   

// Identifies user_id assigned to this account
          $qry="SELECT * FROM customer_info WHERE user_name='$user_name' AND password='".md5($_POST['password'])."'";
    if($result) {
        if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $_SESSION['SESS_USER_ID'] = $member['user_id'];
            $_SESSION['SESS_USER_NAME'] = $member['user_name'];
// Redirects user to the next page
            header("location: page1.html");
        }else {  //user_name failed
            header("location: login_failed.html");
            exit();  }   
    }else { die("Unable to access your account (Error Message 1)");   }    
    }else { die("Unable to access your account (Error Message 2)");   } 
// If Gender is Male    
  else { 
// Notify us of request via email    
$sendto  = "info@click2fit.com";$userfname = $_POST['fname'];$userlname = $_POST['lname'];$usermail = $_POST['email'];$gender = $_POST['gender'];$subject  = "Invite Request - " . ($gender) . " ";
// INSERT information into invite_requests table
   $qry = "INSERT INTO invite_requests(fname, lname, gender, zip, email, phone, terms, participating_retailers, notify_new_items, notify_promotions, priority1, priority2, priority3, priority4, priority5, gift_privacy, user_name, password, Quickfill)         VALUES('$_POST[fname]','$_POST[lname]','$_POST[gender]','$_POST[zip]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[phone]','$_POST[terms]','$_POST[participating_retailers]','$_POST[notify_new_items]','$_POST[notify_promotions]','$_POST[priority1]','$_POST[priority2]','$_POST[priority3]','$_POST[priority4]','$_POST[priority5]','$_POST[gift_privacy]','$user_name','".md5($_POST['password'])."','$_POST[Quickfill]')";
    $result = @mysql_query($qry);
 // Echo message to Men
  echo "<p><strong>Click2Fit is not yet available for men, but we'll be sure to send an invitation as soon as it is</strong></p>"; 
// Redirects user - This should be replaced with the function which closes the fancybox iframe
  header("location: home.html");

1 回答 1


重要的是要了解 javascript 是一种客户端语言(意味着它在用户的浏览器中运行),而 php 是一种服务器端语言(意味着它在您的服务器上运行)。为了让 javascript 和 php 相互交互,您将需要使用 AJAX。

由于您已经在使用 jQuery,我建议您查看他们的AJAX api。本质上,每次你想从你的 javascript 代码中调用一个 php 函数时,你都会有这样的东西:

  type: "POST", /*usually POST, but it can also be GET and some other HTTP requests in certain browsers*/
  url: "some.php", /*the url of the php which processes your data*/
  data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" } /*the data you want to pass to the server.  It will be contained in the $_POST array because of the 'type: "POST"' line above*/
}).done(function( msg ) {
  alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); /*'msg' is what server send back to you while the contents of the function are what you do once the server finishes.  You can change the variable name, msg, as well as the function contents to suit your needs */
于 2012-12-01T01:35:51.780 回答