//a function you can call and pass in the item/timeline you want played backwards
function goBackwards(item:MovieClip):void {
item.stop(); //make sure the item isn't playing before starting frame handler below
item.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBackwards); //add a frame handler that will run the moveBackwards function once every frame
//this function will move something one frame back everytime it's called
function moveBackwards(e:Event):void {
var m:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip; //get the movie clip that fired the event
if(m.currentFrame > 1){ //check to see if it's already back to the start
m.prevFrame(); //if not move it one frame back
m.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,moveBackwards); //if it is (at the start), remove the enter frame listener so this function doesn't run anymore
,您可以这样做 goBackwards(bob);