我的程序使用 Coredata (SQLite)、NSPersistentDocument、NSTableView 和(实体)NSArrayController。我想让主线程中的 NSTableView 列绑定到我在辅助线程中填充的实体 NSArrayController。

问题1:有可能吗?不幸的是,在我的情况下不起作用(虽然通过 IB 在同一个线程中做所有事情)

目标是什么:让“获取”(大文档平均需要 2-4 秒才能完成)在辅助线程中运行,这样我就可以在获取时在 UI 上显示进度指示器。

问题 2:当实体 nsarraycontroller 正在安排其数据、获取等时,是否有任何其他推荐的方式来显示进度指示器?


// ------- ABCoredataController.h
@interface ABCoredataController : NSObject {
    NSArrayController               *ivArrayController;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArrayController  *arrayController;

// ------- ABCoredataController.m

// This piece executes in Main thread... 
- (void) init {
    ivArrayController = [[NSArrayController alloc] init];

// Following is later executed in the Secondary Thread
- (void) secondaryThreadRun:(id)param {
    // prepare everything to access coredata from a secondary thread...
    [self setSecondaryThreadMOC: [[[NSManagedObjectContext alloc]init] autorelease] ];
    [[self secondaryThreadMOC] setPersistentStoreCoordinator:[self mainThreadPSC]];

    // prepare the (entity) array controller
    [[self arrayController] setAvoidsEmptySelection:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setPreservesSelection:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setSelectsInsertedObjects:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setClearsFilterPredicateOnInsertion:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setAutomaticallyPreparesContent:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setAlwaysUsesMultipleValuesMarker:NO];
    [[self arrayController] setUsesLazyFetching:NO];
    [[self arrayController] setEditable:YES];
    [[self arrayController] setEntityName:@"Transaction"];

    // bind arrayController to the managedObjectContext   
    [[self arrayController] setManagedObjectContext:[self secondaryThreadMOC]];
    [[self arrayController] setFilterPredicate:[self predicate]];


然后在我控制我的 XIB 和所有 UI 的类中......

// ------- ABWindowController.m
// Start the secondaryThreadRun in previous class
[[self coredataCtrlTransaction] start];
// Get the pointer to the entity array controller !!! <== HERE!! is it right?
ivOut_CtEn_Transaction = [[self coredataCtrlTransaction]arrayController];

// Bind that entity array controller to the NSTableView columns...
if ( [self out_CtEn_Transaction] != nil ) {
    for ( NSTableColumn *column in [[self out_Tableview_Transaction] tableColumns] ) {
        if ( [column identifier] != nil ) {
            if ( [column infoForBinding:@"value"] == nil ) {
                NSString *theKeyPath=nil;
                if ( [[column identifier] length] > 4 )
                    theKeyPath = [[column identifier] substringFromIndex:4];
                    theKeyPath = [column identifier];

                [column bind: @"value" toObject: [self out_CtEn_Transaction]
                 withKeyPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"arrangedObjects.%@", theKeyPath] options:nil];

1 回答 1


回答自己,我发现 KVO 对线程间通信没有好处,我在 MainThread 中设置了观察者,但是在发起键值更改的线程(nsarraycontroller 所在的辅助线程)上接收到观察结果。

因此,如果我的后台线程更改了一个值,我的后台线程将收到关于它的 KVO。这是我不想要的。



在这里这里在 GDC 上找到了很好的例子

我的目标是:让我在我的“nsarraycontroller 正在获取或排列对象”时展示一个旋转的轮子,这在我的情况下意味着 2-3 秒。

    // Last step in the preparation of the predicate
    NSPredicate  *predicadoFinal = nil;
    predicadoFinal = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:array_AND_Total];

    // Use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) to be able to show the spinning wheel
    dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
    dispatch_async(queue, ^{
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            // Do here my stuff of showing in the UI something... 
            [[self out_ABSpinning_DDBB] setHidden:NO];
            [[self out_ABSpinning_DDBB] startAnimation:self];
        // And here CPU consuming stuff. 
        // Apply the predicate to the nsarraycontroller. 
        // As the controller has both setAutomaticallyPreparesContent:YES
        // and setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects:YES so setting 
        // the predicate will automatically trigger the controller
        // to process the predicate and fetch again... 
        [self setPredicateFINAL:predicadoFinal];

如何停止纺车。这也很简单,我在实体 NSArrayController 上设置了一个观察者,如下所示:

if (nil == ivObservableKeysABCtEn_Transaction ) {
    ivObservableKeysABCtEn_Transaction = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:

if ( [self out_CtEn_Transaction] != nil ) {

    for (NSString *keyPath in [self observableKeysABCtEn_Transaction]) {

        // Añado observers para cada uno de los keyPaths en los que estoy interesado
        [[self out_CtEn_Transaction] addObserver:self


- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
                        change:(NSDictionary *)change
                       context:(void *)context
    // Fetch del objeto que ha cambiado en el emisor. En mi caso un BOOL
    id newChange = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];

    // Detect null's
    if ([NSNull null] == (NSNull*)newChange) {
        newChange = nil;
    } else {
        // Somthing has changed in the "arrangedObjects" property
        // of my coredata array controller, so it has definitely
        // finished doing its work. 
        if ( context == ABObserverABCtEn_Transaction ) {
           [[self out_ABSpinning_DDBB] stopAnimation:self];
           [[self out_ABSpinning_DDBB] setHidden:YES];


于 2012-12-01T09:22:48.320 回答