from Bio import Entrez # install with 'pip install biopython'
from Bio.Entrez import efetch, read
Entrez.email = "your@email.com" # register your email
def get_mesh(pmid):
# call PubMed API
handle = efetch(db='pubmed', id=str(pmid), retmode='xml')
xml_data = read(handle)[0]
# skip articles without MeSH terms
if u'MeshHeadingList' in xml_data['MedlineCitation']:
for mesh in xml_data['MedlineCitation'][u'MeshHeadingList']:
# grab the qualifier major/minor flag, if any
major = 'N'
qualifiers = mesh[u'QualifierName']
if len(qualifiers) > 0:
major = str(qualifiers[0].attributes.items()[0][1])
# grab descriptor name
descr = mesh[u'DescriptorName']
name = descr.title()
yield(name, major)
# example output
for name, major in get_mesh(128):
print '{}, {}'.format(name, major)