I have a very complex UIViewController that loads extremely slow sometimes, it can take 4 or 5 seconds.

I do use Core Data and I have -com.apple.CoreData.SQLDebug 1 set and have ruled out that it is the loading of my data. CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0166s for 314 rows.

I do have this data loaded into a UITableView but was under the impression only the first visible rows get renderend so no matter how many rows I have (< 500 currently) it should not slow the display of the UIView.

I looked at instruments and checked out Time Profiler but I did not see a way to tell which method in this UIView would be slow.

Any suggestions?

For me this was caused by my custom row heights, those all have to get calculated FIRST before any data in shown:
heightForRowAtIndexPath being called for all rows & how many rows in a UITableView before performance issues?


1 回答 1


我最近有一个UITableViewController通过 Core Data 管理约 8000 行的设备。数据是用NSFetchedResultsController; 我不知道您是否正在使用NSFetchedResultsControllera NSFetchRequest,但如果您要呈现通过 Core Data 填充的表格,我强烈推荐它。


[fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize:25];

我建议阅读 Apple 的性能调整和核心数据指南:


由于您使用的是 Instruments,还请检查(根据上面的链接)Core Data 缓存未命中、获取和保存。这可能会让你知道时间花在了哪里。



[fetchRequest setShouldRefreshRefetchedObjects:YES];
[fetchRequest setReturnsObjectsAsFaults:NO];

回复:故障,这是 Apple 的NSFetchedRequest文档中所说的:

默认值为是。如果结果类型(参见 resultType)是 NSManagedObjectIDResultType,则不使用此设置,因为对象 ID 没有属性值。如果您知道需要从返回的对象访问属性值,则可以将 returnObjectsAsFaults 设置为 NO 以获得性能优势。

核心数据可能非常复杂。如果您只打算使用一次,NSManagedObjectContext请查看 Erica' Sadun 的“核心数据助手”,来自她出色的 iPhone 开发者食谱。如果您要使用 Core Data 做很多事情,我强烈建议您使用它来处理合并嵌套、处理多个线程等MagicalRecord的大量繁重工作: https ://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecordNSManagedObjectContexts


于 2012-12-01T22:06:01.990 回答