
我一直在根据我不久前找到的 [this][1] 教程研究视差效果。它做了它应该做的事情,因为所有元素都会根据您移动鼠标的位置左右移动。不过,如果可能的话,我想调整它,以便它根据鼠标的位置向左或向右平滑滚动。就像现在一样,它只有在鼠标移动时才会移动。我更愿意更改它,以便它以设定的速度连续滚动给定宽度的空间,无论是向左还是向右,这取决于鼠标相对于中心的位置。


var headerDiv = document.getElementById("header");

var image1Div = document.getElementById("image1");
var image2Div = document.getElementById("image2");
var image3Div = document.getElementById("image3");
var image4Div = document.getElementById("image4");

var headerDivHeight;
var canStartParallax = false;
var canPositionDivsVertically = true;

// Detect if the browser is IE or not.
// If it is not IE, we assume that the browser is NS.
var IE = document.all?true:false

// If NS -- that is, !IE -- then set up for mouse capture
if (!IE) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)

// Set-up to use getMouseXY function onMouseMove
document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;

// Temporary variables to hold mouse x-y pos.s
var tempX = 0;
var tempY = 0;

var objectArray = new Array();

window.onload = function()

    headerDivHeight = headerDiv.offsetHeight;



function showAllOfTheContent()
    document.getElementById("content").setAttribute("class", "");

function fillObjectArray()
    var image1X = { getX: function() {return 0.5 * windowWidth + 50} };
    var image1Y = 10;
    var image1Factor = 0.0;
    var image1Array = new Array();
    image1Array.push(image1Div, image1X, image1Y, image1Factor);

    var image2X = { getX: function() {return 0.5 * windowWidth - 202} }; //position div from half width of the page
    var image2Y = 0;
    var image2Factor = 0.20; //parallax shift factor, the bigger the value, the more it shift for parallax movement
    var image2Array = new Array();
    image2Array.push(image2Div, image2X, image2Y, image2Factor);

    var image3X = { getX: function() {return 0.5 * windowWidth - -160} };
    var image3Y = 23;
    var image3Factor = 0.60;
    var image3Array = new Array();
    image3Array.push(image3Div, image3X, image3Y, image3Factor);

    var image4X = { getX: function() {return 0.5 * windowWidth + 50} };
    var image4Y = 60;
    var image4Factor = 1.0;
    var image4Array = new Array();
    image4Array.push(image4Div, image4X, image4Y, image4Factor);

    var image5Div = document.getElementById("image5");
    var image5X = { getX: function() {return 0.5 * windowWidth + 500} };
    var image5Y = 400;
    var image5Factor = 0.85;
    var image5Array = new Array();
    image5Array.push(image5Div, image5X, image5Y, image5Factor);

// Main function to retrieve mouse x-y pos.s

function getMouseXY(e)
      if (IE) { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
        tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft
        tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop
      } else {  // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS
        tempX = e.pageX
        tempY = e.pageY
      // catch possible negative values in NS4
      if (tempX < 0){tempX = 0}
      if (tempY < 0){tempY = 0}  

      moveDiv(tempX, tempY);

      return true

function moveDiv(tempXsent, tempYsent)
    if (canStartParallax == true)
        var tempXreceived = tempXsent;
        var tempYreceived = tempYsent;

        if (tempYreceived <= headerDivHeight) //limit the mouse over area
            for (var i=0;i<objectArray.length;i++)
                var yourDivPositionX = objectArray[i][3] * (0.5 * windowWidth - tempXreceived) + objectArray[i][1].getX();
                objectArray[i][0].style.left = yourDivPositionX + 'px';

function positionDivs()
    var verticalParallaxFactorMultiplyNumber = 2; //the bigger this number, the vertical gap between header object animation will be bigger too

    for (var i=0;i<objectArray.length;i++)
        objectArray[i][0].style.left = objectArray[i][1].getX() + "px";

        if (canPositionDivsVertically == true)
            if ((objectArray[i][0] == image2Div) || (objectArray[i][0] == image3Div) || (objectArray[i][0] == image4Div))
                objectArray[i][0].style.top = objectArray[i][2] - ((1 + (verticalParallaxFactorMultiplyNumber * objectArray[i][3])) * windowHeight) + "px";
            else if ((objectArray[i][0] == image1Div))
                objectArray[i][0].style.top = objectArray[i][2] + "px";
                objectArray[i][0].style.top = objectArray[i][2] + ((1 + (verticalParallaxFactorMultiplyNumber * objectArray[i][3])) * windowHeight) + "px";

function setimage1ToTransparent()
    image1Div.style.opacity = 0;
    image1Div.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 0 + ")";

function objectAnimation()
    var objectAnimationDuration = 2000;

    //animate preloader
    $(preloaderAndStringContainerDiv).stop().animate({top: (-1 * windowHeight) + "px"}, objectAnimationDuration, function() {hidePreloader()});

    for (var i=0;i<objectArray.length;i++)
        if ((objectArray[i][0] == image1Div))
            $(objectArray[i][0]).stop().fadeTo(objectAnimationDuration, 1);
            if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) != null)) //if using safari mobile device, never turn on parallax
                $(objectArray[i][0]).stop().animate({top: objectArray[i][2] + "px"}, objectAnimationDuration, function() {canPositionDivsVertically = false});
                $(objectArray[i][0]).stop().animate({top: objectArray[i][2] + "px"}, objectAnimationDuration, function() {canStartParallax = true; canPositionDivsVertically = false});

function resizeHeader()



1 回答 1


目前 moveDiv 例程由 mouseXY 函数调用,该函数被设置为 mousemove 事件的处理程序。所以在你移动鼠标之前,什么都不会触发。

相反,你想使用 mousemove 来改变一些速度矢量,并使用一些触发器进入一个连续循环(我建议从 setInterval 开始),它使用这个速度矢量来调用 moveDiv。

由于您不希望在悬停移动时发生这种情况(否则当您将鼠标悬停在框上时它将首先疯狂旋转),请考虑在 mousedown 时进入循环,并在 mouseup 和 mouseout 时退出循环。

当您在此处制作动画时,请查看使用 requestAnimationFrame,这是新浏览器中支持平滑动画渲染的功能,您提供了一个重复执行的函数:


对于这些方法中的任何一种,我建议您同时保留一个速度向量(由 mousemove 事件调整)和一个每帧更新的时间戳变量。您将无法预测对代码的调用之间的延迟,因此为了保持一致,您应该使用现在和最后一帧时间戳之间的增量来计算移动的距离。

于 2012-11-30T10:15:33.347 回答