I have setup the combination Codeigniter + HMVC + Twitter Bootstrap using this tutorial. I have created two modules named app and session. The app module contains the twitter bootstrap sample. When I click on About link, a new login page is displayed which is the session module configured using

<?php echo Modules::run('session/session/index'); ?>

The problem I am facing is that when I include the twitter bootstrap in both the views, the app module gets realigned and corousal doesnt work.

How do I get the CSS to work with the session module ?


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如果您的 CSS 文件位于根级别的 CSS 文件夹中,这可能是一个好主意(与您的 Application 文件夹相同的级别),您只需将它们包含在您的模板中:

<link href="<?php echo base_url() ?>css/mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet'>
于 2013-10-14T05:27:41.827 回答