
代码是(它是一个 .hpp 文件):

/* $Id: pathfind.hpp 54806 2012-07-20 22:17:33Z jamit $ */
   Copyright (C) 2003 - 2012 by David White <dave@whitevine.net>
   Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project http://www.wesnoth.org/

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

   See the COPYING file for more details.

 * @file
 * This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.


class gamemap;
class team;
class unit;
class unit_map;
class unit_movement_type;

#include "map_location.hpp"

#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <functional>

namespace pathfind {

class teleport_map;


/// Function that will find a location on the board that is as near
/// to @a loc as possible, but which is unoccupied by any units.
map_location find_vacant_tile(const map_location& loc,
                              VACANT_TILE_TYPE vacancy=VACANT_ANY,
                              const unit* pass_check=NULL,
                              const team* shroud_check=NULL);
/// Wrapper for find_vacant_tile() when looking for a vacant castle tile
/// near a leader.
map_location find_vacant_castle(const unit & leader);

/** Determines if a given location is in an enemy zone of control. */
bool enemy_zoc(team const &current_team, map_location const &loc,
               team const &viewing_team, bool see_all=false);

struct cost_calculator
    cost_calculator() {}

    virtual double cost(const map_location& loc, const double so_far) const = 0;
    virtual ~cost_calculator() {}

    static double getNoPathValue() { return (42424242.0); }

 * Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to,
 * with associated best routes to those locations.
struct paths
        : destinations()

    /// Construct a list of paths for the specified unit.
    paths(gamemap const &map,
          unit_map const &/*units*/, // Not used
          const unit& u, std::vector<team> const &teams,
          bool force_ignore_zocs, bool allow_teleport,
          const team &viewing_team, int additional_turns = 0,
          bool see_all = false, bool ignore_units = false);
    /// Virtual destructor (default processing).
    virtual ~paths();

    struct step
        map_location curr, prev;
        int move_left;

    /** Ordered vector of possible destinations. */
    struct dest_vect : std::vector<step>
        const_iterator find(const map_location &) const;
        bool contains(const map_location &) const;
        void insert(const map_location &);
        std::vector<map_location> get_path(const const_iterator &) const;
    dest_vect destinations;

 * A refinement of paths for use when calculating vision.
struct vision_path : public paths
    /// Construct a list of seen hexes for a unit.
    vision_path(gamemap const &map, const unit& viewer,
                map_location const &loc, const std::map<map_location, int>& jamming_map);
    virtual ~vision_path();

    /// The edges are the non-destination hexes bordering the destinations.
    std::set<map_location> edges;

 * A refinement of paths for use when calculating jamming.
struct jamming_path : public paths
    /// Construct a list of jammed hexes for a unit.
    jamming_path(gamemap const &map, const unit& jammer,
                map_location const &loc);
    virtual ~jamming_path();

    /// The edges are the non-destination hexes bordering the destinations.
    //std::set<map_location> edges;

/** Structure which holds a single route between one location and another. */
struct plain_route
    plain_route() : steps(), move_cost(0) {}
    std::vector<map_location> steps;
    /** Movement cost for reaching the end of the route. */
    int move_cost;

/** Structure which holds a single route and marks for special events. */
struct marked_route
        : route()
        , steps(route.steps)
        , move_cost(route.move_cost)
        , marks()

    marked_route(const marked_route& rhs)
        : route(rhs.route)
        , steps(route.steps)
        , move_cost(route.move_cost)
        , marks(rhs.marks)

    marked_route& operator=(const marked_route& rhs)
        this->route = rhs.route;
        this->steps = this->route.steps;
        this->move_cost = this->route.move_cost;
        this->marks = rhs.marks;
        return *this;

    struct mark
        mark(int turns_number = 0, bool in_zoc = false,
                bool do_capture = false, bool is_invisible = false)
            : turns(turns_number), zoc(in_zoc),
              capture(do_capture), invisible(is_invisible) {}
        int turns;
        bool zoc;
        bool capture;
        bool invisible;

        bool operator==(const mark& m) const {
            return turns == m.turns && zoc == m.zoc && capture == m.capture && invisible == m.invisible;
    typedef std::map<map_location, mark> mark_map;
    plain_route route;

    //make steps and move_cost of the underlying plain_route directly accessible
    std::vector<map_location>& steps;
    int& move_cost;

    mark_map marks;

plain_route a_star_search(map_location const &src, map_location const &dst,
        double stop_at, const cost_calculator* costCalculator,
        const size_t parWidth, const size_t parHeight,
        const teleport_map* teleports = NULL);

 * Add marks on a route @a rt assuming that the unit located at the first hex of
 * rt travels along it.
marked_route mark_route(const plain_route &rt);

struct shortest_path_calculator : cost_calculator
    shortest_path_calculator(const unit& u, const team& t, const unit_map& units,
        const std::vector<team> &teams, const gamemap &map,
        bool ignore_unit = false, bool ignore_defense_ = false,
        bool see_all = false);
    virtual double cost(const map_location& loc, const double so_far) const;

    unit const &unit_;
    team const &viewing_team_;
    unit_map const &units_;
    std::vector<team> const &teams_;
    gamemap const &map_;
    int const movement_left_;
    int const total_movement_;
    bool const ignore_unit_;
    bool const ignore_defense_;
    bool see_all_;

struct move_type_path_calculator : cost_calculator
    move_type_path_calculator(const unit_movement_type& mt, int movement_left, int total_movement, const team& t, const gamemap& map);
    virtual double cost(const map_location& loc, const double so_far) const;

    const unit_movement_type &movement_type_;
    const int movement_left_;
    const int total_movement_;
    team const &viewing_team_;
    gamemap const &map_;

 * Function which only uses terrain, ignoring shroud, enemies, etc.
 * Required by move_unit_fake if the normal path fails.
struct emergency_path_calculator : cost_calculator
    emergency_path_calculator(const unit& u, const gamemap& map);
    virtual double cost(const map_location& loc, const double so_far) const;

    unit const &unit_;
    gamemap const &map_;

 * Function which doesn't take anything into account. Used by
 * move_unit_fake for the last-chance case.
struct dummy_path_calculator : cost_calculator
    dummy_path_calculator(const unit& u, const gamemap& map);
    virtual double cost(const map_location& loc, const double so_far) const;




c:\users...\trunk\wesnoth-1.11.0\src\pathfind\pathfind.hpp(24):错误 C2144: 语法错误: 'gamemap' 前面应该有 ';' 1>c:\users...s\trunk\wesnoth-1.11.0\src\pathfind\pathfind.hpp(24):错误 C4430:缺少类型说明符 - 假定为 int。注意:C++ 不支持默认整数


1 回答 1




class Foo
}  // <-- missing semicolon here is not picked up until
   //     the next declaration in another file


于 2012-11-30T04:20:46.530 回答