I am currently teaching myself jQuery (started yesterday) and I'm stuck already.. I have this to create small dropdowns that will work relative to each other.

  var selTxt = 0;
            selTxt = $(this).prev(".button").attr("id");


Those of you that know jQuery will realise it simply expands a textbox when clicking a button and hides all others that are expanded.


Take a look and see where the alert() function is called. On that line I wish to run an if statement.. Something like this:

    if($(this).attr("id") == selTxt){
            selTxt = $(this).prev(".button").attr("id");

Hence I only want it to run if selTxt doesn't equal the id of the element that has been clicked. So the $(this) in the if statement (I HOPED) would refer to the .button being clicked, but guess what: it doesn't! Could anybody inform me why not? I thought because I referenced the .button with $(this) lower down that I would be able to use it there as well but evidently not.

Good old JSFiddle here.

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


It does work, in your JSfiddle you've only added an ID to the first DIV element and not to all the others, therefor a UNDIFINED will show up if you try to get the ID attr from the element, so add the ids and you'll be fine.

于 2012-11-29T14:53:46.713 回答

As @Hawiak pointed, the problem is that your're testing .attr("id") of all div.button but your HTML has an id attribute assigned only for the first div. But at all, I don't believe checking by the id is the best way to do it. Here's my suggestion:

$(function() {
  $(".button").click(function() {
      var text = $(this).next(".text");

      if (!text.hasClass("open")) {
        text.stop(true, true).slideToggle(150).addClass("open");

  $(".hideAll").click(function() {

And the updated Fiddle here.

于 2012-11-29T15:00:49.843 回答