确实 SF4.0 不支持这一点。SF4.2可能会,而且它只对 UE3 被许可人提供,通过 Epic 的 Perforce 库。
你可以在虚幻脚本中做到这一点。然而,使用 dll 或 TCP 连接有点矫枉过正。使用HttpRequestInterface。这是一个直接来自随 UDK 提供的源示例的示例。它非常简单,您可以将其缩减到只用几行代码调用您的 Web 服务所必需的严格要求。
* Simple function to illustrate the use of the HttpRequest system.
exec function TestHttp(string Verb, string Payload, string URL, optional bool bSendParallelRequest)
local HttpRequestInterface R;
// create the request instance using the factory (which handles
// determining the proper type to create based on config).
R = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
// always set a delegate instance to handle the response.
R.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnRequestComplete;
`log("Created request");
// you can make many requests from one request object.
// Default verb is GET
if (Len(Verb) > 0)
`log("No Verb given, using the defaults.");
// Default Payload is empty
if (Len(Payload) > 0)
`log("No payload given.");
`log("Creating request for URL:"@URL);
// there is currently no way to distinguish keys that are empty from keys that aren't there.
`log("Key1 ="@R.GetURLParameter("Key1"));
`log("Key2 ="@R.GetURLParameter("Key2"));
`log("Key3NoValue ="@R.GetURLParameter("Key3NoValue"));
`log("NonexistentKey ="@R.GetURLParameter("NonexistentKey"));
// A header will not necessarily be present if you don't set one. Platform implementations
// may add things like Content-Length when you send the request, but won't necessarily
// be available in the Header.
`log("NonExistentHeader ="@R.GetHeader("NonExistentHeader"));
`log("CustomHeaderName ="@R.GetHeader("CustomHeaderName"));
`log("ContentType ="@R.GetContentType());
`log("ContentLength ="@R.GetContentLength());
`log("URL ="@R.GetURL());
`log("Verb ="@R.GetVerb());
// multiple ProcessRequest calls can be made from the same instance if desired.
if (!R.ProcessRequest())
`log("ProcessRequest failed. Unsuppress DevHttpRequest to see more details.");
`log("Request sent");
// send off a parallel request for testing.
if (bSendParallelRequest)
if (!class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest()
.SetHeader("Test", "Value")
`log("ProcessRequest for parallel request failed. Unsuppress DevHttpRequest to see more details.");
`log("Parallel Request sent");
/** Delegate to use for HttpResponses. */
function OnRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface Response, bool bDidSucceed)
local array<String> Headers;
local String Header;
local String Payload;
local int PayloadIndex;
`log("Got response!!!!!!! Succeeded="@bDidSucceed);
// if we didn't succeed, we can't really trust the payload, so you should always really check this.
if (Response != None)
`log("Response Code="@Response.GetResponseCode());
Headers = Response.GetHeaders();
foreach Headers(Header)
// GetContentAsString will make a copy of the payload to add the NULL terminator,
// then copy it again to convert it to TCHAR, so this could be fairly inefficient.
// This call also assumes the payload is UTF8 right now, as truly determining the encoding
// is content-type dependent.
// You also can't trust the content-length as you don't always get one. You should instead
// always trust the length of the content payload you receive.
Payload = Response.GetContentAsString();
if (Len(Payload) > 1024)
PayloadIndex = 0;
while (PayloadIndex < Len(Payload))
`log(" "@Mid(Payload, PayloadIndex, 1024));
PayloadIndex = PayloadIndex + 1024;