我想创建一个用户可以使用 14 天的应用程序,可以说是试用版,然后用户必须支付一次,如果他继续使用该应用程序,我该如何实现?我应该使用什么产品类型?我应该使用“消耗品”还是“非消耗品”或“自动续订订阅”或“免费订阅”或“非续订订阅”。



1 回答 1



Non-Renewing Subscription allow the sale of services with a limited duration. 

Non-Renewing Subscriptions must be used for in-app purchases that offer time-based 
access to static content and are only available to iOS apps.
If you use non-renewing subscription, your app is responsible for delivering the
subscription to all the user's devices.

Because a non-renewing subscription requires a user to renew each time, your app 
must contain code that recognizes when the subscription is due to expire. It must 
also prompt the user to purchase a new subscription.
于 2012-11-30T09:04:11.330 回答