或添加来编辑 Solaris 中的 sudoers 文件#
,那么我该如何为此编写脚本?我的 sudoer 示例文件如下:
# The following line allows su without options/arguments and sux to user root
Cmnd_Alias SU_ROOT = /usr/bin/su "",\
/usr/local/bin/sux - root
# Defaults specification
Defaults:%saptb !authenticate
# User privilege specification
%saptb ALL=(root)SU_SAP
#Uncomment this line when SAP requires root access
%saptb ALL=(root)SU_ROOT
##### END SAP-TB specific ######
#Tivoli ITM Tools Team Sudo Right
%cgtools ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/*
在上面的 sudoers 文件中,我想#
在唯一一行之前添加%saptb ALL=(root)SU_ROOT