我正在使用 card.io android sdk 集成信用卡支付功能,但它不允许我扫描卡信息,它只是告诉输入卡信息然后什么也不做。


包 org.my.scan 示例;

import io.card.payment.CardIOActivity;
import io.card.payment.CreditCard;
import org.my.scanExample.R;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MyScanActivity extends Activity
    // You MUST register with card.io to get an app token. Go to https://card.io/apps/new/
    private static final String MY_CARDIO_APP_TOKEN = "App_Token";

    final String TAG = getClass().getName();

    private Button scanButton;
    private TextView resultTextView;

    private int MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE = 100; // arbitrary int

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        resultTextView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.resultTextView);
        scanButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.scanButton);

    protected void onResume() {

        resultTextView.setText("card.io library version: " + CardIOActivity.sdkVersion() + "\nBuilt: " + CardIOActivity.sdkBuildDate());

        if (CardIOActivity.canReadCardWithCamera(this)) {
            scanButton.setText("Scan a credit card with card.io");
        else {
            scanButton.setText("Enter credit card information");

    public void onScanPress(View v) {
        // This method is set up as an onClick handler in the layout xml
        // e.g. android:onClick="onScanPress"

        Intent scanIntent = new Intent(this, CardIOActivity.class);

        // required for authentication with card.io
        scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_APP_TOKEN, MY_CARDIO_APP_TOKEN);

        // customize these values to suit your needs.
        scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_EXPIRY, true); // default: true
        scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_CVV, false); // default: false
        scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_ZIP, false); // default: false

        // hides the manual entry button
        // if set, developers should provide their own manual entry mechanism in the app
        scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SUPPRESS_MANUAL_ENTRY, false); // default: false

        // MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE is arbitrary and is only used within this activity.
        startActivityForResult(scanIntent, MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE);

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        String resultStr;
        if (data != null && data.hasExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT)) {
            CreditCard scanResult = data.getParcelableExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT);

            // Never log a raw card number. Avoid displaying it, but if necessary use getFormattedCardNumber()
            resultStr = "Card Number: " + scanResult.getRedactedCardNumber() + "\n";

            // Do something with the raw number, e.g.:
            // myService.setCardNumber( scanResult.cardNumber );

            if (scanResult.isExpiryValid()) {
                resultStr += "Expiration Date: " + scanResult.expiryMonth + "/" + scanResult.expiryYear + "\n"; 

            if (scanResult.cvv != null) { 
                // Never log or display a CVV
                resultStr += "CVV has " + scanResult.cvv.length() + " digits.\n";

            if (scanResult.zip != null) {
                resultStr += "Zip: " + scanResult.zip + "\n";
        else {
            resultStr = "Scan was canceled.";


1 回答 1

private static final String MY_CARDIO_APP_TOKEN = "App_Token";


于 2014-06-05T07:35:58.953 回答