public class CatTest {
public class Animal {}
public class Cat extends Animal {}
public class MyCat extends Cat {}
public class Dog extends Animal {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Animal> animalList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Cat> catList = new ArrayList<>();
List<MyCat> myCatList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Dog> dogList = new ArrayList<>();
CatTest catTest = new CatTest();
// Here you are trying to add a MyCat instance (in the addMethod we create a MyCat instance). MyCat is a Cat, Cat is an Animal, therefore MyCat is an Animal.
// So you can add a new MyCat() to a list of List<Animal> because it's a list of Animals and MyCat IS an Animal.
// Here you are trying to add a MyCat instance (in the addMethod we create a MyCat instance). MyCat is a Cat.
// So you can add a new MyCat() to a list of List<Cat> because it is a list of Cats, and MyCat IS a Cat
// Here you are trying to add a MyCat instance (in the addMethod we create a MyCat instance). MyCat is a Cat.
// Everything should work but the problem here is that you restricted (bounded) the type of the lists to be passed to the method to be of
// a type that is either "Cat" or a supertype of "Cat". While "MyCat" IS a "Cat". It IS NOT a supertype of "Cat". Therefore you cannot use the method
catTest.addMethod(myCatList); // Doesn't compile
// Here you are adding a MyCat instance (in the addMethod we create a MyCat instance). MyCat is a Cat.
// You cannot call the method here, because "Dog" is not a "Cat" or a supertype of "Cat"
catTest.addMethod(dogList); // Doesn't compile
public void addMethod(List<? super Cat> catList) {
// Adding MyCat works since MyCat is a subtype of whatever type of elements catList contains
// (for example Cat, Animal, or Object)
catList.add(new MyCat());
System.out.println("Cat added");
CatTest 类型中的方法 addMethod(List) 不适用于参数 (List)
如您所见,错误与方法签名有关,与方法主体无关。因此,您只能传递“Cat”或“Cat”( List<Animal>, List<Cat>
) 的超类型元素列表。
Animal animal = new Dog();