function add(){
// Initialize output and "length" properties
var length = 0;
var output = 0;
// Loop through all arguments supplied to this function (So: 1,4,6 in case of add(1,4,6);)
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
// If the current argument's length as string is longer than the previous one (or greater than 0 in case of the first argument))
if(arguments[0].toString().length > length){
// Set the current length to the argument's length (+1 is to account for the decimal point taking 1 character.)
length = arguments[0].toString().length +1;
// Add the current character to the output with a precision specified by the longest argument.
output = parseFloat((output+arguments[i]).toPrecision(length));
// Do whatever you with with the result, here. Usually, you'd 'return output;'
add(); // Returns 0
add(1,2,3); // Returns 6
add(1.01,2.01,3.03); // Returns 6.05
add(1.01,2.0213,3.3333); // Returns 6.3646
add(11.01,2.0213,31.3333); // Returns 44.3646