我正在使用 jmeter 生成一些负载测试结果,它输出格式良好的 csv 文件,但现在我需要使用 ruby​​ 进行一些数字运算。csv 文件开头的示例:

Thread Group 1-1,1,1,urlXX,240,1,0
Thread Group 1-1,1,1,urlYY,463,1,0
Thread Group 1-2,1,1,urlXX,200,1,0
Thread Group 1-3,1,1,urlXX,212,1,0
Thread Group 1-2,1,1,urlYY,454,1,0
Thread Group 1-N,1,1,urlXX,210,1,0


我在想,也许我需要为每个线程组编写一些临时排序的 csv 文件(在线程组中,url 的顺序总是相同的),然后将它们用作输入,添加第一行,做数学,添加第二行,直到没有更多行。

但是由于线程组的数量发生了变化,我无法编写 ruby​​ 以便它可以灵活地解决这个问题……任何代码示例都将不胜感激:)


1 回答 1


[更新] - 这是你想要的,我想知道吗?

这个怎么样 - 它可能效率低下,但它做你想要的吗?

CSV = File.readlines("data.csv")
CSV.shift # minus the header.

# Hash where key is grp name; value is list of HASHES with keys {:grp, :lat}
hash = CSV.
  map {|l| # Turn every line into a HASH of grp name and it's lats.
    fs = l.split(","); {:grp => fs[0], :lat => fs[4]} 
  group_by{|o| o[:grp]}

# The largest number of lines we have in any group
max_lines = hash.max_by{|gname, l| l.size}.size

# AVGS is a list of averages. 
# AVGS[0] is the average lat. for all the first lines,
# AVGS[1] is the average lat. for all second lines, etc.
(0..(max_lines-1)).map{|lno| # line no
  total = # total latency for the i'th line...
    hash.map {|gname, l|
      if l[lno] then  l[lno][:lat].to_i
      else 0 end
  total.reduce{|a,b| a+b} / (hash.size)

# So we have 'L' Averages - where L is the maximum number of
# lines in any group. You could do anything with this list
# of numbers... find the average again?
puts AVGS.inspect


[217/*avg for 1st-liners*/, 305 /*avg for 2nd liners*/]
于 2012-11-29T09:55:36.593 回答