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我正在开发一个复杂的报表,为此我需要从表 1 中选择一些数据,然后代表表 1 中的数据对表 2、表 3、表 4 中的数据进行一些处理。
select a,b,c, from table-1
while not rs(table-1).eof
processing data from table-2,
processing data from table-3,
processing data from table-4
rs.Open "SELECT distinct Empid,empSalary as EmpSalary,EmpJobStatus From TEmployee where EmpJobStatus ='HIRED' and EmpID not in ( SELECT distinct Empid From VEmpPromotion where convert(VARCHAR(10), PromSalaryMonth , 101)='" & Format(FirstDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "') Union SELECT distinct Empid,promempSalary as EmpSalary,PromEmpJobStatus as EmpJobStatus From VEmpPromotion where PromEmpJobStatus ='HIRED' and convert(VARCHAR(10), PromSalaryMonth , 101)='" & Format(FirstDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'", cn, 3, 2
While Not rs.EOF
rsD1.Open "select sum(DATEDIFF(MINUTE,timein,timeout))/60 as HoursWorked ,count(EmpLEave) as EmpLeave,count(TimeIN) as DaysWorked from Tattendance where EmpId =" & rs![EmpId] & " and convert(VARCHAR(10), Attendate, 101)>='" & Format(FirstDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "' and convert(VARCHAR(10), attendate, 101)<='" & Format(LastDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'", cn, 3, 2
rsD2.Open "select sum(amount),SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 1 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'SalaryPaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 2 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'SalaryAdvancePaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 3 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'WeeklyIncentivePaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 4 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'MonthlyIncentivePaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 5 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'InitialAdvancePaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 6 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'OtherPayments',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 7 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'SalaryAdvanceBack',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 8 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'InitialAdvanceBack'From TSalAdvance where TrancStatus =1 and EmpId =" & rs![EmpId] & " and convert(VARCHAR(10), PaidDate, 101)<= '" & Format(DTSearch, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "' and convert(VARCHAR(10), PaidDate, 101)>= '" & Format(FirstDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'", cn, 3, 2
rsD4.Open "select sum(amount),SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 8 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'TInitialAdvanceBack',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 5 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'TInitialAdvancePaid'From TSalAdvance where TrancStatus =1 and EmpId =" & rs![EmpId] & " and convert(VARCHAR(10), SalaryMonth, 101)<'" & Format(LastDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'", cn, 3, 2
rsD5.Open "select sum(amount),SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 2 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'SalaryAdvancePaid',SUM(CASE EmpTrancID WHEN 7 then amount ELSE 0 END) AS 'SalaryAdvanceBack'From TSalAdvance where TrancStatus =1 and EmpId =" & rs![EmpId] & " and convert(VARCHAR(10), SalaryMonth, 101)>'" & Format(LastDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'", cn, 3, 2
If IsNull(rsD5![SalaryAdvancePaid]) Then NextAdvPaid = 0 Else NextAdvPaid = rsD5![SalaryAdvancePaid]
If IsNull(rsD5![SalaryAdvanceBack]) Then NextAdvBAck = 0 Else NextAdvBAck = rsD5![SalaryAdvanceBack]
rsD3.Open "select * from SalarySummaryAll", cn, 3, 2
rsD3![EmpId] = rs![EmpId]
rsD3![EmpSalary] = rs![EmpSalary]
rsD3![EmpJobStatus] = Trim(rs![EmpJobStatus])