1000 * (200+3928)/2333
1000, 200, 3928, +, *, 2333, /
infix to postfix :
create empty array `postfix` and `temp`
split the expression up into an array `A` by each operand/operator
foreach token in `A`:
if char is operand :
push to postfix stack
if char is open parenthesis:
push to temp stack
if char is close parenthesis:
while top of temp stack != '(' :
push top of temp stack to postfix stack
pop top of temp stack
end while
pop top of temp stack
if char is operator:
while temp stack isn't empty *and* top of temp stack != '(' *and* precendence(char) <= precendence(top of temp stack) :
push top of temp stack to postfix stack
pop top of temp stack
end while
push char to temp stack
end for loop
while temp stack is not empty
push top of temp stack to postfix stack
pop top of temp stack
end while
return postfix stack (will be your postfix stack to evaluate)
evaluate postfix stack:
create array A
foreach token in postfix stack:
if char is operand:
push to A stack
if char is operator:
int x = pop A stack
int y = pop A stack
result = x (operation) y
push result to A stack
end for loop
return top of A stack (this will be the final result)