I've read some guys have done a trick editing this file, but I'm not a guru.

defaults write com.apple.CoreGraphics \
(DisplayUseInvertedPolarity -bool YES)

Basically I want to change the white background color to sepia or anything darker when I read in Skim pdf reader. Since Skim (unlike Kindle) doesnt support this feature, maybe I find a work around and I can change the white color of the screen so it will be useful with any application I want if I can make this happen.


1 回答 1


由于您似乎只想在任何地方添加 Kindle 的棕褐色模式,我建议您访问http://justgetflux.com/而不是尝试手动实现您想要的。

于 2013-06-07T18:26:48.843 回答