I got error on line 16 in myphp page which is;
$result = mysql_query("update Users set lat='$lat',lon='$lng' where username=$_SESSION['username']");
You need curly braces {}
inside of the string to return array parts:
$result = mysql_query("update Users set lat='$lat',lon='$lng' where username={$_SESSION['username']}");
Note: As has already been mentioned, you shouldn't be using mysql_query
Although mysql_* functions are being deprecated here is the error on your query:
$result = mysql_query("update Users set lat='$lat',lon='$lng' where username=".$_SESSION['username']);
Also make sure your inputs are sanitized before being used in your query:
You lost track of all needed '
and additionally forgot to quote username value. So instead of
$result = mysql_query("update Users set lat='$lat',lon='$lng' where username=$_SESSION['username']");
do this in more clean manner:
$result = mysql_query( "update Users set lat='$lat',lon='$lng' where username='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'");
or even better:
$query = sprintf("update Users set lat='%s',lon='%s' where username=%s"),
$lat, $lng, $_SESSION['username']);
$result = mysql_query($query);
BTW: switch to MYSQLi or PDO as MYSQL extension is deprecated, no new code should touch it.
You have multiple problems, but the error relates to variable expansion with your double quoted string.
echo "$_SESSION['username']";
No Error:
echo "{$_SESSION['username']}";
echo "..." . $_SESSION['username'] . "...";
echo '...' . $_SESSION['username'] . '...';
Read the documentation on Strings to determine how you want do handle variable expansion in strings.
I'd also recommend reading about SQL Injection and PDO.