首先,您的表单必须设置 enctype,如下所示:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.php" method="post">
if (isset($_FILES["scv"])) {
$file = $_FILES["scv"];
$file_name = $file["name"];
$ext = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext!="CSV" && $ext!="TXT") {
die('The file must be csv or txt format.');
$saveto_path_and_name = '/path/to/file.csv'; // Where you want to save the file
move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], $saveto_path_and_name);
// Open the file for reading
$handle = @fopen($saveto_path_and_name, "r") or die(__("Unable to open uploaded file!", "inventory"));
// Grab the first row to do some checks
$row = fgets($inv_file, 4096);
// See if it's comma or tab delimited
if (stripos($inv_row, "\t")) {
$sep = "\t";
} else {
$sep = ",";
while ( ! feof($handle)) {
$rowcount = 0;
// Get the individual fields
$inv_fields = explode($sep, $inv_row);
$fields = array();
// Iterate through the fields to do any sanitization, etc.
foreach ($inv_fields as $field) {
// Highly recommended to sanitize the variable $field here....
$fields[] = $field;
// This is where you would write your query statement to insert the data
// This is just EXAMPLE code. Use the DB access of your choice (PDO, MySQLi)
$sql = vsprintf('INSERT INTO `table` (`column`, `column2`, ...) VALUES (%s, %d, ...)', $fields);
// Get the next row of data from the file
$row = fgets($inv_file, 4096);